Trip Review, New Years 2017/2018

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by RobAndLis, Jan 12, 2018.

  1. RobAndLis

    RobAndLis Guest

    +0 / 0
    Apologies for taking so long to write up a review, I got busy right after getting home and also wanted to think about things a bit before putting finger to keyboard...

    This was our 5th New Years Eve at TTR, from 25-Dec through 02-Jan, and we're now having an active conversation around if it will be our last. Let me say right up front - this isn't (*is NOT*) going to be a post bashing the resort or wallowing in negatives. In fact, in almost every quantifiable way Temptation is better than it ever has been... and that is actually a contributor to the problem. I said, I'm not here to trash the resort these are simply some things we found to be negatives, and it looks like the resort is working to correct them in real time:
    - Yes, the furniture almost universally sucks. That was our only real complaint about the remodel.It does have rather significant impact though as the lounge chairs around the sexy pool are just dumb and uncomfortable; the "chairs" and stools at Bash are a joke of discomfort and inconvenience; the chairs int eh restaurants are uncomfortable and oddly shaped.
    -The roof bar was great but the pool up there was freezing (I'm from New England and grew up swimming in the northern Atlantic...that pool was COLD), also windy windy windy up there. The big disappointment was that it was closed at night. Best views in the resort, super cool space, the only bar in the resort with good seating and it's mostly closed.
    -Multiple weird building design flaws... the door jam to our room had to be repaired twice in one week because the wind slammed it shut so hard it knocked the trim off the far side. There are multiple elevation changes where parts of the towers connect. And, that whole building is some seriously cheap and shoddy construction. It's a question of when, not if, the glass balcony panels fall.
    -Bash sucks. Terrible DJ playing crap on an endless loop. It's bright like an operating room. Furniture is terrible. Dance floor is ridiculous. If it rains, you're screwed.

    Positives that were a little unexpected:
    -The sexy pool was heated the whole time we were there. Genuinely heated. the half of the pool (it's HUGE, more on that later) towards town was much warmer then the half towards the quiet pool but it was clearly artificially heated. The temp was great all week.
    -the food was pretty good all around. Not great, but good. This was all about expectations...if you're thinking NYC restaurant or Ritz resort you will only be disappointed. If you're thinking mid-range all-inclusive it's pretty darn good.
    -the big Jacuzzi is great

    General Positives:
    -It's where our friends are. Why we come, why we stay. It's for the people.
    -The staff are simply amazing, all of them. Friendly, helpful, and great to chat with.
    -It's super clean, all the time. this may not seem like a big deal, but it is. They keep this place clean.

    Now the serious part...why we may not come back:
    As I said, in most ways Temptations is better; the rooms are nicer (we had a Master Suite, which was baller and even came with a stocked bottle bar), the resort as a whole is nicer to look at and be in. From the toiletries to the sheets it was nicer and pretty darn good. But, it was also cold - not temperature, although yes chilly in areas - and too big physically for the number of people staying there. We NEVER waited to be seated at a restaurant, including when we showed up at the Italian restaurant at 7:30p with a group of 10. Bash looked half empty on New Years Eve. The pool ALWAYS looked at least half empty. Corridors are long, brightly lit, and empty.

    The intimacy that was always a hallmark of Temptation is gone. PatyOs was sweaty and tight and all the rest, but that's what contributed to a lot of the fun of it. We were jammed together in a hot sweaty mess of barely dressed humanity. The sexy pool jammed. That's gone.

    Now Temptation feels like any other hotel resort, any other mid-range hotel and in many ways feels more like a mid range business hotel than a resort. The people are less dressed, sure, and the pool is topless... but so what. There's lots of places you can go (a ton of them in Vegas alone) that have topless pools and beaches. As for the "wildness" and "sexy" vibe... that's a function of the people there. If there when the crowd is mostly first timers or tour groups it is not going to be a wild party. And there are more of those groups then ever.

    Actually, one of the senior members of the staff summed it up nicely. We were chatting over coffee at the new coffee bar (also a great addition) and I asked what he thought of the new resort. He said "It's certainly different, and isn't intimate anymore. People are just too spread out." that covers a lot of it right there. It even makes it harder for the staff as people are always really spread out - tough to get a roaring crowd cheering on Temptation Iron Man when people are spread over an area larger than a basketball court. This is really felt at Bash too. Because of the elevated dance floor and crappy seating and table set up it is really tough to get a crowd dancing. Because everyone who does dance is either stuck in their group between tables, or on seriously public display (and likely in a very small crowd) up on stage, there is less sexy dance fun for everyone and people who would be on the fence tend to shy away since they can't "hide in the crowd" anymore. We ended up spending a number of nights on our balcony watching the "shows" at bash, then going down to dance for a while if the music was OK. We only closed it down once, something that we used to routinely do (and still do when we go to clubs).

    This brings me to our problem: Yes it's nicer then it used to be BUT, you can get way nicer from a resort/amenities/food perspective from a lot of other places. Yes it's topless but, so are a lot of other places. and yes they promote a party atmosphere but, it just isn't there...not always, but enough of the time. This is the first trip where we thought "why would we go back?".

    Temptation looks great, and if they keep prices down it will surely attract a whole new crowd of regulars who will make it their own. We just aren't sure that's us anymore. I think we may just rent a house on the beach or on Isle Mujeres and get a pass or two to TTR while there. We'll see.

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  2. fun4us

    fun4us Addict Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2012
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    Platteville, WI
    +941 / 2
    Nice review. The possible change in party atmosphere was one of the biggest concerns we had about the remodel. Obviously the group staying during any period ultimately affects that vibe, but there was something about the 'ol dump that seemed more intimate and social than other large adult resorts. We are excited to see the changes and really looking forward to checking out the hot tub. We will continue to be as wild and dumb as before, and hopefully so will everyone else. Really hoping the changes make us want to return, because no other destination has come close to the fun level we have at TTR.
  3. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    +4,621 / 14
    That was a really great review of the TTR experience, and matches our experience from back in October. Going back in March, and am going to check out the rooftop pool for ourselves, and if it's that windy, it'll be cold so we'll be up there for the time it takes Stacia to feel the breeze... and that's it.

    Bash has potential, but when we were there it was freezing cold in there, and cold outside too, so no relief so no little clothes. Bright as an operating room, which could easily be corrected I think.

    Maybe these things will get changed?
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  4. Bart/Annette

    Bart/Annette Life begins at 40!!! Registered Member

    May 31, 2005
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    I will write something up when my work travel slows down, but I definitely agree with Rob/Lisa. We talked about this while we were there, but the resort is in dire need of another 100 rooms. Way too much capacity, and it seems like the resort is empty.

    BTW, the pool heater stopped when you left

  5. marshe

    marshe The Original Hottie and Hellraiser Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    when not on vacation, home based 25 mns from Toron
    +1,772 / 4
    Well-written, articulated and an interesting review!
    Nice job
  6. vacationfun2

    vacationfun2 I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    +350 / 1
    Thanks for the review.
  7. Bryan21178

    Bryan21178 Guru Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2013
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    Flushing MI
    +468 / 0
    Nice review. Maybe it will take some time for the new TTR to get (seasoned) and be back like it was before. Time will tell.
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  8. Bart/Annette

    Bart/Annette Life begins at 40!!! Registered Member

    May 31, 2005
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    The intensity of the crowd is definitely not there. Too much space for not enough people. We sat with Steve and his Mum one night for quite a while at Bash one evening, and still no crowd.
  9. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Not addressed to anyone in particular, but I think it's a huge assumption to make generalisations about the hotel and the crowd based off a single visit at a slow time of year.

    Also, not so much here but more on Facebook I see people say they had an encounter with a rude guest and that because of that they assume the whole crowd has changed. Rude guests are at every place and the number of them hasn't increased just because the hotel got remodeled, it's something that has always been there or anywhere. You just have to let it pass you by and move on.

    The latter half of December and most of January were very quiet periods and the weather was poor most of the time. I was there just after New Year and the hotel was at about 40% occupancy, although some staff claimed it was 80% I could tell it was nowhere near that. Boobs Cruise numbers are often directly proportional to hotel occupancy levels and we experienced low numbers too. That time of year is always slow in any case but this year the prices were ridiculously high. The hotel introduced their sale prices at the end of November but they came too late to up the occupancy so quickly.

    Yes there are a hundred extra rooms but they are all extra 'vertical occupancy' not lateral so there is only the same physical footprint for people to populate. The pool is larger, but if it is cold people don't go in it. If the weather is cold / windy / rainy as it often was during Dec/Jan people are more inclined to stay in their rooms or go offsite both daytime and nighttime. When you combine bad weather with low occupancy the hotel is going to look quiet.

    Since the re-opening we've stayed at the hotel 4 times, with our 5th stay due shortly. In addition we visit the hotel 2 or 3 times a month for night passes to enjoy Bash and we are there every Monday and Friday for the Boobs Cruise. I don't think there are any guests who go there as often as we do. In our experience it fluctuates a lot, and the overriding factors are occupancy and weather.

    The bad weather is behind us now, cheaper prices have been available for a few months and occupancy levels will only increase as we move into the traditionally popular times of Feb, April, May and June.

    The true test will be how people report back during those times, and I for one feel there will be few complaints, busy pools and amazing nights at Bash.
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  10. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I would be interested to hear what places you are considering as an alternative? Prior to the closure, and during, people said the very same thing. I don't think any one of them found a suitable place although many tried. I'm certainly not hearing of them re-booking for this year.

    IMHO the main alternatives are:

    Desire(s): Twice the price, quarter the size, half the party. Too LS focused and laid back for many people, and clothing optional not topless. Average age plus 10/15 yrs that of TTR.

    Breathless: Similar price, little nightlife, low occupancy, sprawling resort. A few topless at the twice weekly foam party but that's about it. Average age -10yrs that of TTR.

    Oasis Sens: Cheaper, few to zero topless, old resort, poorer facilities, nightlife, food, drink and service. Nicer beach, low occupancy.

    Golden Parnassus: As Oasis Sens above.

    I'm only including Cancun and Riviera Maya hotels above, there are a (very) few topless places in the Caribbean outside of Mexico but each one of them fails to beat TTR imho.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2018
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