Trip Report--Week 8 Apeshitness Crew, Feb 15-22

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by hot_2_trot, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. hot_2_trot

    hot_2_trot Guest

    +0 / 0
    Ok, so we’ve been back a week, and it’s time for me to post my TR with pictures. (You know it was a good trip when you have trouble finding CCC-appropriate pictures to post!)

    As usual, not going to bore you with details of the airport, blah, blah, blah, but we did make the plane and started drinking on the plane around 11:30. We were in the sexy pool by 1ish; got a quick snack at Tex-Mex where we ran into the Quebecois. Soon we found Lenni, Jodie, the Gay Barracuda, Brent & Kells, Dave & Audrey, Mike & Alicia, etc, etc, and the party was going!

    The weather the first few days was a bit cold, but the drinks were still flowin'! Overall things were looking up by day 3 or so. If you haven’t been there when it’s a bit chilly, well, it’s not really the same--girls are wearing clothing around the sexy pool and wrapped up in towels.


    Of course, that didn’t stop us from getting in the water once we had enough to drink.......Friday night, our first night, was white night and I got bit by the first night bug. Apparently I was slumped over on the Paty’O stairs while RnJ was getting his nightly hamburger. Suffice it to say, I’m not really sure what the hell happened, but by Sunday I was mostly recovered.....whichever night white shirt night was, I was back on track. RnJ was pretty apeshit over the first several days but my real picture story begins on white t-shirt/Magic MIke night (Sunday?):

    Hot ladies:

    RnJ & Jodie:


    Ridiculous French Canadian shit (with a stray Magic Mike from Chicago)

    MOre dance-off action (held over from last year):

    I think Monday was the day we let 2 single guys up on the Riot Raft and they broke it, which began the "no dudes on the raft" rule. Thank God Lenni and Jodie spent an hour or so patching the raft up because it saw a lot of action the rest of the trip:


    This green monster found its way into a lot of pics:

    Ok, so most raft pictures aren't CCC appropriate (or body shots on the bar), so you only get those 2. Moving on.....

    MOnday fun:

    Troublemaker #1 and Troublemaker #2

    Monday night we went to Dady'O, which was awesome:

    RnJ & Kat

    Me and Pepito:

    Tuesday was jello wrestling and was absolutely a fucking hit. Everyone had a blast! The staff at the sexy pool had been announcing it all week as an "activity"; we had it on the beach at 2pm. Kudos to Lenni & crew--it was amazing. Lenni set up "contests" that he had people sign up for--mostly 1 on 1 but sometimes 2 on 1, and then at the end he just started putting people in the ring for shits and giggles. It was a blast! We would wash the jello off in the ocean and then just start right back up again:




    I seriously can't put any other jello pix up due to nipplage. Maybe someone else will post more PG-13 pictures, bc mine are all R.

    Tuesday night was Schoolgirl Night and another Magic Mike night.

    Just don't ask:


    The beautiful Laura and a hot crew:

    Wednesday: Boobs Cruise. Oh my. Not a lot of appropriate pictures, but I'll try:

    Games after lunch on the island:


    Dave & Audrey:

    Jason, aka "The Skipper"


    Our Welcome party back to TTR: (can't post due to nipples but there were people dancing and partying welcoming us back to the resort...then hot tub fun I also can't post....)

    Wed night, Mardi Gras night:


    And our last night, lingerie night:

    Lenni photobombing (or doing something we might not want to know about)

    RnJ & 1st_Mate

    Anyway, a great trip! Our fourth and favorite thus far. Creepers weren't bad although RnJ uncharacteristically got super pissed at somebody filming and threw his iPhone in the pool. Security questioned him but there were no consequences, but I wouldn't advise this sort of action. I really didn't even notice the creepers this time--was having too much fun!

    Thank you to all the week 8 crew--you made the trip as always!

    See you next year!!!!!!
  2. Lenni & Jodie

    Lenni & Jodie The Unicorn Hunters Registered Member

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Mississauga, Ontario Canada
    +26 / 2
    WICKED PICS - I have tons of Lenni Face Pasties for our pictures, its going to take forever to cover all the nipplage... hmmm copy trade that shit $$$
  3. Lenni & Jodie

    Lenni & Jodie The Unicorn Hunters Registered Member

    Jan 31, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Mississauga, Ontario Canada
    +26 / 2
    Awesome trip report! It was great seeing you guys yet again, can't wait for next year. And your raft, wig and twister will be kept safe until we meet again.
  4. JoeMar

    JoeMar Guru Registered Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Likes Received:
    +131 / 0
    Nice job on the report. Sounds like you had a fun group.
  5. lynnshaun

    lynnshaun Regular Registered Member

    Dec 26, 2011
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    +12 / 0
    mmm... I think I may fit in with this kind of crew! sounds like a great trip!
  6. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    +6,397 / 12
    Great job posting pics that show the fun vibe but not too much fun :)

    And Rnj I am with you. Threw an iPhone or two myself. Hey if they don't put it away after asking nicely then __it happens.

    And so jealous of the jello wrestling. That dance party on the cruise looks like a great time. We did feb twice. Too cold for us but it looks like you all didn't let the weather stop you!
  7. CaptMorgan

    CaptMorgan Addict Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2012
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    +82 / 0
    Great TR! I remember meeting you but it's weird we didn't talk more since our dates overlapped almost entirely, and I remember a lot of those pictures.

    It's a shame about the creepers. My wife really wanted to take her top off at the sexy pool but kept getting freaked out by random douchebags shooting home movies with their iPhone 3's. WTF.
  8. hot_2_trot

    hot_2_trot Guest

    +0 / 0
    May the raft, wig, and twister live on forever.
  9. CandyCookiesCake

    CandyCookiesCake Guest

    +0 / 0
    Seriously loved every minute I spent with you two. Fun, fun, fun! Love the pics. Miss B took that whipped cream from my horn like a pro! Next year, I am def bringing less clothes, less shoes and more fun stuff. Time to start preparing my tickle trunk :D
  10. 1st_Mate

    1st_Mate Guru Registered Member

    Nov 13, 2006
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    +167 / 0
    Great TR! Loved our one day and night together. Next year, hopefully we will have more days overlap and I am sure I will see you all before February. Did you notice my room key? It was making it's way down the mesh dress until it was lost for good! xoxoxo
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