Trip report March 2016

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by brandys0524, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. brandys0524

    brandys0524 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 17, 2014
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    Louisville, Ky
    +5 / 0
    We must have had a great time, cause two of the four of us needed docs when we got home!

    Arrived Sunday and killed 2 hrs in airport waiting on friends. We jumped on bus to the other terminal, tipped security $20 to let us into different terminal, and posted up with nachos and margaritas till they got there. Had shots waiting on friends, then grabbed private van that would let us smoke in it for $50 plus $20 tip.
    Check in was fast but we had to wait till 3 to get room, we just grabbed lunch first. Our room sucked this time. View was parking lot out front. To upgrade this time they wanted $100 a night, we talked them down to $70 (still to much? Last yr was $50) but they said no room till next day and by then we were drunk and didn't care, we are never in room anyway.
    First night we hung out at pool, got tipsy, but crashed early since Boobs Cruise was next day and we were tired from flying.

    Boobs Cruise: it was our first one. 3 out of the four of us loved it. I even gave up my top ;) The fourth would have had a good time but wasn't feeling well. I really recommend going, we laughed for hrs. We met Steve and his wife, good people! The only negative I can think of was in all honesty the snorkeling sucked. Maybe I'm spoiled but I didn't even consider us to be on a reef. But... Who cares? Boobs Cruise is for boobs not snorkeling. It was a nice refreshing dip regardless. Just go!

    Friend hurt her knee somehow. Fell or twisted wrong or something. Stayed swollen all week. Maybe just to old to party so hard lol.

    Rest of days were spent at pool, drinks brought by every 30 min (1 mixed, 1 shot pp, tip them a twenty upfront and say keep them coming then tip again at end of day what you think it's worth)

    Day 3. Met hot unicorn. They do exist! Somehow ended up drunk and playing in pool... Not cool, security almost tossed our drunk butts and I don't blame them. We weren't having sex, but it did get frisky. Never would of happened if we weren't drunk... Don't be us!

    After giving the pool a show we were walking back from bathroom, and slipped and fell... Hard! I tried to catch myself but ended up landing on hand, hip, and boob. Sprained my hand and bruised my hip. A week later both are still bruised. My boob though.... Omg it hurts! I was seriously worried I popped a implant. We then had to stay drunk enough not to feel it for remainder of trip.

    Luckily we met a doc in the sexy pool who assured me hand wasnt broken and offered to wrap it for me. Boob is still hurting, I went to doc today and have bruised rib and pulled boob muscle, luckily boob is ok. Friend went to doc and was referred to orthopedic doc, keep fingers crossed for her.

    Day 4-5, pool and beach, trip downtown.

    Last day we requested a late checkout and were charged $10 a hr. It was worth it to shower and change in our room before flights. Flight was delayed hr on way home. No biggie, gave us time to sober up.

    All in all, it was a great trip. Everything wasn't perfect and we got a lil beat up, but it was still a awesome time. Already can't wait to get back in sept!

    ~Brandy, Tony, Kimmi, George [​IMG]

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. tw1mempho

    tw1mempho Guru Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2014
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    +283 / 0
    Great Trip Report... hope everybody survives their bumps and bruises ....Mexico vacations have a way of giving them out to tourists ... must be a rule somewhere ... do U think ?
  3. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve CCC's The Dude Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Philadelphia, USA
    +6,176 / 7
    Glad you had fun. Even better you found a unicorn.

    Sorry to hear about all your injuries, sounds like you are in pretty good spirits about them though. As my wife always says to me "Walk it off, there is no time for bitching and weakness!" Maybe next time pack some additional clothing to protect you ;)

  4. Ohmcouple

    Ohmcouple Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 10, 2016
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    +13 / 0
    Great report! Sucks about the bruises!! Still glad you had a great time, looking forward to being at the pool with a drink in my hand in... 24 hours!
  5. Orange050505

    Orange050505 Addict Registered Member

    Jul 14, 2013
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    Chattanooga TN
    +157 / 0
    I about cut my hand off the first day my first trip back in 2013 but I'm still going back yearly begging for more.
  6. bclams

    bclams Newbie Registered Member

    Nov 29, 2011
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    +58 / 0
    Nice report. thank you
  7. jdemp

    jdemp Regular Registered Member

    Jan 22, 2015
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    I broke 2 toes and about ripped 3 rd one off,on Boobs Cruise last year,going back soon to see what else I can break!lol
  8. brandys0524

    brandys0524 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 17, 2014
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    Louisville, Ky
    +5 / 0
    Oh, I forgot food. We were able to get in the nice restaurants every night by slipping host a ten and asking nicely. Longest we waited for table was 15 min. My fav is still the Italian. The presentation is pretty at the Asian place but not much there I like to eat.
    Breakfast at buffet is always good with omlets and bacon.
    The waiters remembered us and would have table and our fav drinks ready in seconds. Tip them well, they deserve it!

    Paty'os was fun but to be honest we were so hurt and drunk from killing the pain we didn't make it long most nights. 90% of ladies were in theme. And about half the men.
    There were several large groups of single men this time. With one exception, they were all polite and respectful. The exception was quickly taught his place by our huge hubbies and tucked tail and ran. That whole group avoided us like the plague afterwards. It's simple guys, don't be a dick and you will have a great time. We met a few singles we hung out with quite a bit.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. wehatesnow

    wehatesnow Regular Registered Member

    Feb 23, 2016
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    +8 / 0
    Great tip report :) what is a unicorn ?
  10. BethandDave

    BethandDave Enthusiast Registered Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    Albany NY
    +108 / 0
    A single female interested in playing with a couple...
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