Trip Report - Feb 2019

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by enk_bos, Feb 16, 2019.

  1. enk_bos

    enk_bos Newbie Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2019
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    Me and the wife had not been to Temptations since before the renovation. We visited in early February 2019. Conclusion after this...

    Top Ten Things You'll Love at Temptation
    1. The food is good and very good. The wait staff with the restaurants and bars are attentive and the selection and quality of the food is better than average.
    2. The beach is very, very nice. The water is warm. The seaweed is (mostly) kept at bay. The recliners were easy to obtain either near or far from the noise of the 'sexy pool'.
    3. The DJs are really outstanding. They bring it both to the pool and to the night club.
    4. The redesigned rooms are chic. The style is a wonderful cross of minimalism, modernism, and colorful flair. Everything felt new and clean and modern.
    5. Bodies/Boobs. They're there. You can show yours, or see others. If this is nothing you've ever experienced, then Temptation is the right place for you. (Read on though... there's more on this later... note that this is a double-edged sword.)
    6. Coffee bar was an excellent addition. As coffee/latte/etc. is now mainstream everywhere, adding this to the resort was a smart decision. The waitstaff in the coffee bar was attentive, they could accommodate our requests, and there was small dishes/snacks available to go along with the coffee. Although the coffee bar sitting area was less-than-comfortable, you were free to move outside of the small area with your drink.
    7. Bellhops were attentive, friendly, and made every effort to recognize us as soon we arrived. Requesting taxis or moving bags was quick and painless.
    8. The health club was well outfitted. It had a wide variety of equipment and cardio machines and was well maintained.
    9. If you're old, you're not entirely out of the game. This may not be a thing you'll love if you're young (say under thirty), but there were a significant number of elderly folks on premises. I'm sure it was the mans idea of a vacation.
    10. With the amount of surveillance everywhere, you are always watched. And... presumably safer?? (Ok, I put this at the end as a transition to the next section...)

    Top Ten Things You'll Hate About Temptations Resort
    1. Cell phones. Everywhere. Really. There's two parts to this problem. One is that the resort doesn't do enough to get people to leave their damn mobiles in their room and respect the privacy of the other guests. Note well - if you go to Temptation, you will be filmed sooner or later and it'll wind up on social media. Temptation would do well to confiscate anyone's cell phone as soon as they're seen with it outside of their room, and kick their ass out of the hotel if they do it twice.
    Second part of this is: WTF? You've gone to a resort in Mexico, and your rectangle is more important that anything happening around you. You. Are. Pathetic.
    2. The sex police are aggressive. Having witnessed a fully dressed couple kissing and then being accosted by a chubby towel boy that they must stop, brings the reality of the resort to bear: Temptation is about making money from fantasy, NOT about adult play. The resort is a film to be watched, but not participated in. Which brings me to my next thing you'll hate...
    3. Freak? Nudist? Exhibitionist? Lifestyler? (FNEL) This resort is not for you. This is for the aged, the elderly, the loney dude looking to see boobs, the sexually deprived couple hoping for some spark to arrive back in their marriage, the woman who wants to show her breasts in a safe (almost sterile) environment, the sausage wagon of dudes who couldn't hookup outside of a resort, and stand no. chance. what-so-ever. of hooking up at Temptation. But for FNELs you will immediately sense that this is a playground for the inexperienced, the gawkers, and vanillas who fantasize they might be something else.
    4. Like to dance? You'll be one of a few. While, as noted above, the DJs at Temptation are outstanding - there are often few people dancing. Perhaps they might break a hip, or they've never raved until sunup, or they're just lame ass white people. You may be one of the few people dancing. Speaking of which...
    The old Pati-os (the place that used to hold the evening disco) was enclosed on all four sides. This created an energy that would smack high. With the new Panopticon design and the open wide format of the big bar, the energy level just sorta disperses to the sides. Kinda the thing you'd like an architect would take into consideration. I suspect that the design is intended to accommodate a lot more people - however, the design and placement of the bar (as well as the bar tenders being overwhelmed during the evening) have an opposite effect - leading one to believe the design wasn't well thought out.
    5. The Jacuzzi is closed at 6pm. Really? Sundown is when you close the Jacuzzi? Are you kidding me? Again, I suspect this is a plot by the sex police to curb any 'adult' enthusiasm and neuter any real adult fun. In the end, their are vanilla resorts that keep the Jacuzzi open all night. Just another sign that this is a resort based on image, but not substance.
    6. The piped in ambient noise/music throughout the resort is tiresome, does nothing to cover the sounds of an orgasm (I assume this is the reason they blare the sounds in the chill-section of the resort). What it winds up being is just headache-inducing noise that stops you from relaxing and encourages you to keep your windows closed. The noise could be removed and the the resort would immediately benefit. Whoever thought this was a good idea needs a different job.
    7. Woman? Workout alone? Prepare to be macked on. My wife and I go to the gym most of the week at home, and considering that we eat way more calories on vacation, we always try to spend part of the day working out. But - we don't workout together. Same place, same time, just different things going on. It's reasonable for an onlooker to assume that we're not together since were mostly working different machines, etc. This is apparently the opening the lonely boys needs - solitary woman, working out, clearly not there to exercise (so they must think) so it's time to make conversation. Soooo tiring. And results in our workouts being cut short as her having to fend off the lonely sausage wagon boys is best handled by just bailing. (Granted this is not unique to just Temptation, it's just yet another aspect of life, and the resort brings it to bear.) Here's a thought: if someone's in the gym, leave them the fuck alone. They're probably there to workout, not to tease lonely boys or hookup.
    8. The shows are pretty lame. Mostly just excuses to have scantily clad women (NOT NUDE) dance on stage. It's tiresome eye candy that goes on way too long. If this is something that amps you up because you've never seen the internet, then wow - you're in. Otherwise, it's just not that good. Maybe the ploy is to get the lonely boys amped up enough to pay for the porn tv?
    9. Locating the party? The upsell of the VIP top deck left a few of our friends wondering where they should go during the day. Ultimately they reported that it was just lame upstairs and that locating the daytime party at the (regular) pool was their focus for the rest of their time at the resort.
    10. Frat boys everywhere. Yeah. Those loud, long bathing suit wearing, backward baseball cap, Latin wording tattooed, beer swilling, muscle shirt doofuses have a home at Temptation. 'nuff said.

    In the end, this was our last visit to Temptation. The resort clearly wants to profit from the fantasy of adult play, but fails to deliver an environment where adults can play. The failure of cellphone stupidity is rampant everywhere and Temptation might be smart by aggressively discouraging any usage, but I suspect it is part of their shtick to actively determine how to monetize your mobile usage. We were left with a feeling that Temptation was not about an adult party, it was about G-rated half-fun that you can pretty much get anywhere for a lesser price.
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    Last edited: Feb 16, 2019
  2. vacationfun2

    vacationfun2 I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Forty and over is elderly? Thanks for your perspective. Interesting that you made one post.
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  3. enk_bos

    enk_bos Newbie Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2019
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    We're over forty also. First post. The sex policia and the other issues were a bit much. I can understand someone not digging the post, but you can just ignore the input if you want.

    Note I also had a number of reasons to love it.

    A long time ago I came here looking for info. If you find TTR is a different experience for you please share.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2019
  4. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    I think you got a bad week.

    Stacia and I's upcoming trip at the end of this month will be our 24th to TTR, and we've noticed that the level of fun, odd security behavior, service attentiveness, concern over skin exposure (i.e. naked wife at Bash) varies widely from week to week. Especially post-reno (We've been 4 times since August 2017).

    This form was rife last year with people comparing different experiences at TTR, their level of security presence, what level of Doofus/Douche guys were in the crowd, participation in theme parties, in room crawls, in beach games, in staged photo-ops, you name it, it changed on a weekly basis.
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  5. enk_bos

    enk_bos Newbie Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2019
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    You're probably right. The sex police really put a damper on the rest of the trip. Plus those. fucking. mobiles.
  6. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Yeah... I mean, where's the fun in cock-blocking a guy who's getting afriendly little BJ at Bash?

    No, wait... they didn't stop us as we wuz sneakerish 'bout it.

    I hear you though. "Old TTR" on WDSN we'd have maybe 50-75 ladies hanging around talking, drinking dancing (i.e. partying) all with their tops wide open and nothing on underneath (or if there was something it was teensy-tiny and probably see-thru). We did it last year one of the days Mar. 1 -5, and the security-guys would sort of hang out right in the middle of the crowd and wave at people to close up their shirts.

    This... while all the time a pair of ladies who wanted to wear a completely sheer full-length body stocking were strutting around and everyone could see everything all night. But... they were "covered," you see.

    It really makes no sense to me.

    But, fi there's a will, there's a way, and Stacia's got the will to git nekkid, so I'm good.

    You can't let it get you down. We started treating it like a game, like when you used to tweak the principal's nose bback in school... except with much larger breasts involved and hairier guys.
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  7. fun4us

    fun4us Addict Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2012
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    We sincerely apologize for the loud orgasms!:)

    Sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy your stay. We recently returned (Feb 4-11) and our experience was 180 degrees from yours. In fact we have already started looking to book our 11th stay at TTR. Hope you are able to find another resort that checks all your boxes, for us it's Temptation.
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  8. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    +4,621 / 14
    *snort* You said "boxes."

    On the cell phones thing, I admit to guilt about taking pics for reasons stated in the other thread. That being said, I do NOT live with the thing in my hand, I've got to have that hand to put on my wife's bubble-butt.

    TTR seems to be a changeable environment, and you've got to go in with not so many preconceived notions about "how it's going to be," as you may not be right.

    Still, we can solve quite a few of those problems in the O/P by just going to DRM, which we're doing in July! Bam!
  9. enk_bos

    enk_bos Newbie Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2019
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    After the sex police incident it was our mission to be louder than the ambient noise!

    No apologies necessary.
  10. Gotmilf

    Gotmilf Addict Registered Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Certainly agree with some of your points, but we didn't experience many of the others. If you're looking for absolutely no sex police go to Desire. Game. On. 24.7.
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