Trip Report 7/24/15 to 7/31/15 - Long Post

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by socalcpl951, Aug 1, 2015.

  1. socalcpl951

    socalcpl951 Regular Registered Member

    Jun 3, 2015
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    Southern California
    +238 / 0
    I understand this may not be the appropriate place to post a trip report, but I could not create thread under the trip report section, so here it is...

    We were very excited to vacation in Cancun at Temptations Resort. We vacationed in Cabo last March, while having a lot of fun, we found ourselves wanting to experience something more of an adult environment. While researching places in Cancun, Temptations piqued our curiosity. We researched the resort and found that the concept of Temptations was intriguing.

    We found Cancuncare was the most useful tool for us to prepare for our trip, from Bubba mugs to theme night attire, we felt prepared for our vacation. Cancuncare also allowed us to make some connections with people prior to our arrival. We are a pretty friendly couple and have no issues with introducing ourselves to people, but to recognize our "friends" from CC made conversation that much easier.

    First Day Curse - We arrived at the resort at 9:00 a.m. having taken the red-eye out of LAX. We were delayed a couple of hours and did not get much sleep on the flight. We wanted to get to the resort early and make the most of our first day. Luckily, our room was available early and we were upgraded to the first floor jacuzzi room. I think our excitement overpowered our tiredness and we started the party early. We met some CC friends in the sexy pool and partied with everyone we met. After countless Sky & sodas, we were both very tired and quite drunk. We decided to go to the room and nap for a bit, but somehow we split apart. My wife made it safely to our room, I did not! Our room was 1128 and in my drunken stupor made it safely to room 1138 thinking is was our room. My key did not work and I figured I would go through the sliding glass door. I found my bed and proceeded to pass out. A couple of hours later, the couple that were actually staying in 1138 found the doors open and me laying in their bed in my alcohol induced coma. Can you imagine the scene? Luckily, we had been CC friends and met earlier in the pool. He recognized me from our conversation at the pool and the helped me out of the room. Yep...I was that guy! Lost, drunk, and apparently guilty of breaking and entering. Apparently, I continued my own tour of the resort with the gait of a drunk cyborg, walking into restaurants, waiving at my new friends, until security found me at 1:00 am....NAKED at the marina! Security and the staff were very cool. He asked the rhetorical question, "Is this your first time to Temptations"? I replied yes. He said " I understand, let's get you a towel". The staff ushered me to my correct room and returned me to my wife (who was passed out as well). Please note: I do not remember any of this. This story was pieced together by all the guests that witnessed this debacle. I can only humbly apologize and appreciate the help I received for the guests and staff. I am proof that the first day curse is very real!!!

    We decided to check the front desk / lost and found. They retrieved a large plastic bag with everything I lost the night before. I was ecstatic. The man that helped me at the marina was standing near me and said " Hey I know you"! I recognized him and apologized profusely. We laughed it off and continued to the beach and pool. This was an interesting day. I ran into Xraider13. He informed me that it was his room that I was in and continued to tell one of the more embarrassing stories in my life time. He and his wife were so cool about the situation. Unfortunately, the story has begun to circulate amongst everyone entertaining us all week.

    The Boobs Cruise - We had a blast. There were about 40 or so people on the boat. The games were fun and everyone seems to enjoy themselves. If you are openminded and like to party, we highly recommend it.

    The Sexy Pool - is really the heartbeat of Temptations. We spent the majority of our time there watching and participating in some of the games. It was really easy meet people and have fun.

    Lifestyle Couples - Yes. There are many lifestyle couples at TTR. We are a vanilla couple and we found that the majority of people we met in the lifestyle were the coolest, down to earth, and respectful people. We had a blast partying with them and maybe innocently flirting a bit.

    Single Guys - Yes. There are many single guys and yes most are respectful. Unfortunately, there are a few that are not. There were a couple occasions that needed to be corrected. A bit of advise to the single guys. Be cool. 99% of the women there are not there specifically for you. Yes, there are many topless women for you to look at, I suppose that is the beauty of TTR. Do not be rude or instruct them to pose for you or spin so you can get a better look with out her permission and her partner's (husband / boyfriend) as well. You will be labeled as the "creeper" and believe me word spreads fast about those guys!

    Theme Nights - We decided to participate in the majority of the theme nights. We had all the outfits from White Night, Sheer Night, and BDSM Night. Some of the themes really pushed our boundaries, but we figured nobody knows us and nobody gives a shit. We had fun with it and my wife looked smoking hot!!!

    Dining - We found that the dining options were very good. We were able to get as healthy or unhealthily as we wanted. Breakfast typically consisted of a great selection of fruit, an omelet or fried eggs, and coffee. Until that last two days we discovered the made to order chilaquiles. Lunch was good. You could find fajitas, tacos, or hit the BBQ. Dinner, in our experience the buffet grill was the best. We were a little disappointed with the Italian restaurant (our poor menu selection). The seafood restaurant was good, and we did not make it to the Asian. Late night burger at Paty O's was excellent.

    Paty O's - It was a cool place to congregate after dinner or Nice Shoes. It was just so damn hot. A little dancing and we were pouring sweat. It was fun though to see everyone in their outfits and mingling with the different groups. The late night skinny dip at the Sports Pool is a must after a long night at Paty O's.

    The Sensual Massage - Do it! That is all I can say about it.

    In whole, we had a wonderful experience at TTR. We found that the environment was sexually charged, in a fun way, that benefited our relationship. The vibe of the resort changes with people coming and going, so every day can be a different experience. I think we have made some new friends this week and hope that we can all connect in the future. We personally want to acknowledge some people for making our experience a memorable one:

    ROB & KIM
    and the many other's we were too drunk to remember!!!
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2015
  2. Donna & Tim

    Donna & Tim I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jun 3, 2015
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    NW Connecticut
    +1,605 / 6
    What a great report!! Short sweet and to the point! We will be careful about the first day curse!! I will drag him kicking and screaming to eat something before we start the drinking binge!! LOL

  3. LadynTramp

    LadynTramp I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2013
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    +421 / 6 forgot us! LOL....... We met you guys at the pool the first afternoon along with Charlijo. We saw them later that evening and were told that you'd been spotted passed out near the quiet pool.........for the next full hour I searched the grounds for you so that I could help you get to your room and back to your spectacular wife. The bartender at the QP told me that security had taken you away 20 mins I went to security in the lobby and they told me that you weren't bothering anyone and didn't know your room number so they were just going to let you sleep it off. The next day was the Boobs Cruise and we finally saw you guys again after that. At school girl night you danced quite a bit with my wife in the pinky plaid and 6" platforms.......while I chatted up your lovely, ample bosomed, brunette braided pigtailed spectacular wife........ummmmm if I over used "spectacular" just let me know.......

    .........and you forgot
  4. socalcpl951

    socalcpl951 Regular Registered Member

    Jun 3, 2015
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    +238 / 0
    Memory Lapse

    I apologize LadyNTramp....We enjoyed your company as well. I appreciate your effort in the search and rescue mission. It was a rough night but we all made it through unscathed. Please give my best to the Dancing Machine!!!
  5. Spicy

    Spicy Spicy is the Variety of Life Registered Member

    Aug 23, 2012
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    Wilmington, NC
    +1,263 / 3
    That's odd. They can find your room number off your wrist band...
  6. tw1mempho

    tw1mempho Guru Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2014
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    Is the room number printed on the wrist band? Or is it a bar code ?
    I never notice either ....
    We were there last year and I never could remember our room when picking up towels at the sexy pool each day ... and was amazed that the towel guy knew my room after the first maybe that would explains this :banghead:
  7. socalcpl951

    socalcpl951 Regular Registered Member

    Jun 3, 2015
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    +238 / 0
    When security found me in all my "glory" at the marina. I remember them checking my wrist band.
  8. Jasten

    Jasten Regular Registered Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    +8 / 0
    What an awesome report. Sounds like you had a great time. Good thing you were at TTR your first day debacle probably would have ended much worse at a different resort where the people aren't so friendly.
  9. Spicy

    Spicy Spicy is the Variety of Life Registered Member

    Aug 23, 2012
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    Wilmington, NC
    +1,263 / 3
    It's not written on the band, but yes, it's a code somehow correlated to all your info through the front desk. So security nor the towel guy would be able to tell just from looking at it. I'd guess the towel guy remembered your room because u so sexi or if you tipped him or something...

    So yeah, now that I think about it, security could get it from the front desk but that would have either required cutting it off of him to scan (which creates its own set of problems) or having to carry the passed out body through the lobby to the front desk, which probably doesn't look good...
  10. Trish

    Trish I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2011
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    Liverpool, UK
    +678 / 0
    Damn, sounds like you had a rough 'first day curse'! Glad the rest of your trip was so good! I've had some rough first day curses, but more that I was too hung over to enjoy the next two nights, no naked dock-walking yet! Your wife is awesome and lucky that she just passed out and tried to sleep it off - if it was me I would've been drunkenly on a mission to find you in my inebriated state and made a double ass of myself.

    What I wonder is how the hell did you get from 5pm or so, to 1am and what happened to you? In our wonderful group, if we see someone worse for wear, we'll take them to their room if they know it, or reception if they don't.
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