Pack them , there's nothing security haven't seen in suitcases going through security , just take the batteries out before packing so nothing buzzes on the way and causes a plane diversion etc .
All bags that go on airplanes get X-rayed. I've worked in airports for a long time, it's nothing New. Little old ladies have them in their bags too. They won't confiscate them though so so long as it's in checked luggage there should be no embarassmant
Checked bags recommended batteries out! My good friend had hers in her carry on with batteries in. Bottom line she was vibrating going through security and had to pull it out in front of everyone!
He says: I've been to TTR twice accompanied by my trusty squirt gun both times with no hassles at the airport. Perhaps the fact she pays full fare means security turns a blind eye. :huh::umbrella1::brick:
Good to know .......honey ....... Can you put my Thomas the Tank Engine train set out ready for packing :ladiesman1::aktion069: