Being that we are newbies, I've been searching this site for anything that will help prepare us for our upcoming trip to TTR. I've read that loosing your towel can be an issue. Can I bring my own? I figure it would be easier to find if it's unlike the others.
The towel issue is not really that much of a problem, and one you could probably talk your way out of. Remember that you are in a tropical like climate and your towel will not dry off much on its own. We forgot to return our towels on the day we left, and carrying wet towels around in our clean clothes is not my favorite thing to do. We have been to TTR lots of times and we are always looking for ways to travel lighter instead of looking for more things to drag along.
We never had an issue....but then again we weren't staking claim to chairs we weren't using either. Why drag your junk around? Bleah.
we used their towels every day and even had 1 go missing and it wasnt a problem they told us someone would eventually turn it in..
Though we like to pack as light as possible, we do bring our own towel. Comes in handy on the booze cruise especially :aktion030:
From what I've heard from the forum it's like this: 1) If u bring your own be prepared for it to be wet after 1 day at least 2) If u rely on those they supply prepared for it to be dry - keep a couple dry spare!!
There really isn't a need to make more work for yourself. Checkout a towel. Return a towel. Repeat. Simple.