Went to a friend's wedding yesterday. I haven't seen him or the bride in about 6 weeks and was totally shocked when she stepped out in the wedding dress. She was somewhere between a size 0 and 2 and looked like she had been starving herself to death. Some people told me she had been doing energy drinks and that was basically it to get in to the dress. Before she was about a size 6, healthy, with a nice figure, nice boobs, etc. Now she has no boobs and looks like a stick figure. What can you do to approach this woman and discern if she is having weight related psychological problems? Is it any of my business?
give it a bit of time before you do anything. It could be that she just did a crash diet before the wedding. I feel like once the wedding and honeymoon are over she may start to put the weight back on. That's just my opinion. If not then you may want to consider saying something.
Far as I'd go is "maybe" saying something to the husband. I'd never say anything along the lines of what we're discussing to a woman.....without first saying something to her husband (and receiving his blessing to discuss it with her). One person's "skinny" is another person's "healthy". IMO, we've been brainwashed into thinking "avg" is healthy. My guess is the vast majority of Americans are above the "healthy" mendosa line (myself included....and I'm not fat). We just accept that as "normal".
rdubnpk She reminded me of PK's sister when she was heavily into coke for a while. She wasted away to practically nothing and there was no doubt she wasn't healthy. This girl was shaking at times and I really don't believe it was the excitement of the wedding.
Mind your bizzzz, women go to the extreme for their wedding dress...3 months from now she'll have it all back and maybe more....
It's really awesome to see that you are concerned. Like someone else mentioned in a post above, she might have done a crash diet for the wedding. It could have also been the stress of the wedding that got to her too. Either way, she might gain it back as time progresses. As long as she's healthy and loves herself the way she is, I believe it's alright. I'm a size 0 and I get a lot of people telling me that I'm too skinny. I gained 60 lbs when I was pregnant for my son and I've been working out at the gym as much as I can, when I have time and eating healthy to get to where I am at right now. I think health is the main concern. Hugs! Nancy