Love it. But my bad choices are also the best memories. So are they really bad choices bahaha well I suppose there was that time in the Mexican jail with the donkey and a midget that wasn't the best choice
Brent, I am all about making bad choices after copius amounts of drinking! we can just reflect on our bad choices the next day and laugh and think how we can make it better next time!! No one ever sits around and talks about all the good things that happen after good choices...
Ugh! not until 6pm so hoping hotel by 7, quick bite to eat and meet everyone at Patios, will look for the crowd of 30 or so crazy party crew
We land at 4:45 cancun time, should be at the hotel and settled by 7. I think were going to case the joint, and get some grub. Relax on the beach and take in the air. Did you want to meet at reception or something at 9 ish? Then we (now a group of 7 hehe) can hit patty o's together? Perhaps we can get a few more people together. I cant go around yelling PAT and JEN are you here all night