Tips I Got On Cancun Care That We Used On Our Trip In April May With A Short Trip Report

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by J.P. & LISA, Jun 9, 2018.

  1. J.P. & LISA

    J.P. & LISA Addict Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    :p First of all I want to say thank you to everyone that has given tips on Cancun care for Temptations a few that I used that were awesome .
    I purchased suction hooks for the bathroom were amazing not only for the extra towels you bring up from the jacuzzi but it was nice not having towels hanging on the cabinets.

    I had a makeup organizer that had different compartments that I could hook over one of the suction cups and my small bottles of shampoo Shavers Etc also fit in there with easy reach inside the shower.

    Bringing extra hair ties to tie your private sign on your door so the wind would not have it fly off.
    As others have complained about the sexy movies not being free anymore at least the $10 is better than in Vegas was 30 per day I'll pay the $10 per stay anytime. Though free would be better.
    And for the sexy pool my best advice was for somebody to manufacture a cute sexy water shoe with a heel for a woman to be able to wear into the pool. I would be the first to buy and if then all the boobies would show.

    I've seen that they have put the handrail in the sexy pool they put carpets and strips down to prevent Falls and when they have issues coming up they try to fix them asap but I know it's hard for a lot of us to be patient but it's good to see they have people working all the time.

    I try not to complain because complaining doesn't get us anywhere but trying to find Solutions to some issues is a better way to go at it in my opinion.
    And in my opinion it's good conversation to compare the old to the new Temptations we loved both . Both had positives and negatives but I can definitely say there's no place in the world to have so much fun at one Resort with such great people and staff.

    So now for the trip report our last trip was end of April beginning of May 410 nights as like our other 17 vacations to Temptations it was still an A+ we seem to always see old faces great friends and meet some great new people all groups has always been open arms welcoming with great themes. People sometimes laugh at me because I love to do the Temptation themes and then the groups themes so many times I'll change a few times a night it's a lot of fun. I even had a wonderful lady last year I believe it was at our September or November trip she was on her way to her room and we were coming back out as Batman Batwoman and she gave me her cape the people at Temptations are awesome.
    The rooms are nice and yes it's harder to get upgrades but honestly I go there for the fun and the people we've tried not spending too much time negatives and just trying to have the best time ever.
    This last trip we met some great people on the dance floor or at the pool I don't want to name names cuz I don't want to leave anybody out but you guys are a great part of why we have such a great time every time we're at Temptations.
    I'm super glad that they brought schoolgirl back I figured if we all expressed it to the management it would happen just like superhero night did nothing happens overnight has to cut through all the red tape but if we're all patient things do happen

    I do feel during the games they should let it get a bit more sexy since their theme is Let's Play but only have it for the games and not be so tight and for management to remember we're all adults and let us have fun.
    One of my next goals is to hopefully suggest more that the large jacuzzi that closes at 7 be reopened after the dinner time so we can all enjoy.
    I believe the staff The Playmakers and even management and security has stepped up and made Temptations a better place though as we always say there's room for improvement in different areas.

    But like I said complaining doesn't get us anywhere let's try to find Solutions and suggestions for their management and if enough of us have suggestions and work together lots of things can happen.

    And a great thanks to Cancun care Steve and Jannet for their outstanding site it's been super informative to me and I'm sure many others
    In closing as I've always said it's Paradise on Earth and we look forward too many more visits. And remember we always have a choice to go or not to go that we are loving Temptations H and every time the people the staff the Cancun care crowd is the best!!:marshe:
  2. J.P. & LISA

    J.P. & LISA Addict Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    And if anybody else has any great tipsfor Temptations are greatly appreciated
  3. J.P. & LISA

    J.P. & LISA Addict Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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  4. BnK

    BnK Guru Registered Member

    Feb 23, 2012
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    Maximize your party time and save a night fee.

    Last trip we flew red eye with one connection & saved at least $500 each. We did USA transfer to get us to TTR ASAP & arrived at by 11am with check-in right away - but there was no room assigned/available as expected. Check-in 3pm I believe.

    If you do this pack your luggage that you can quickly grab your first day stuff - head for the showers in the spa to get ready for the day. If you arrive early enough you can still get breakfast.

    Leave your luggage with the bell hops and go get on with the party. Tip the bell hops well to watch it in there secured storage all day.

    Around 3 or 4 be sober enough to go back to the check-in desk & get your room. Bell hops will get you and your luggage to your room- tip them again. and get back to the sexy pool party before everyone heads to the hot tub.

    Party on !

    More holiday & party time at less expense
  5. J.P. & LISA

    J.P. & LISA Addict Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Wow lots of great ideas USA Transfers are awesome we also pack a backpack and in the Mini 3 oz bottles we put suntan lotion and stuff will need before I room is ready we tried to take red eyes as well though I do prefer even if it cost a little bit more to take direct flights but if not whatever will get us the earliest in the morning there it's true sometimes when we're at the sexy pool we have forgotten to go back to get our room so very important after lunch to make sure you go get your room drop your stuff and head back to sexy pool love all your ideas
  6. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Thanks for the report, and also the thanks for the site.

    Yep, always room for improvement, and I do believe management are listening. Lots of things that people on social media have suggested have been implemented.

    While there may be some negatives, I'd challenge anyone to propose a different resort that fits our collective needs better :)
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    Last edited: Jun 11, 2018
  7. TonyandLisa

    TonyandLisa Guru Registered Member

    Mar 6, 2011
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    We brought the suction hooks and did use them. I wish I would have thought of something to hold the "Sexy Time" sign on our door because it did fly off every time we put it up lol I feel a lot of the changes we came up with for the resort are all easy cosmetic fixes that I believe with time will happen. Like the curved tables at Bash. When it rained and people put their drinks down they would slide over the curved edge with the water and fall on the ground lol We overall enjoyed the resort and cant wait to get back!
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  8. J.P. & LISA

    J.P. & LISA Addict Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    First of all Lisa I have to say you have a beautiful name LOL and yes I will remember my suction cups every time for the towels from the jacuzzi in the room. It's true the wind takes those sexy signs on the door so anything that will hold it on helps even a nylon or a sock or ahair tie. I just thought of one more thing the hooks could also help us with our wet bathing suits to dry instead of laying them all over the balcony and I agree with you can't wait to get back to Temptations
  9. J.P. & LISA

    J.P. & LISA Addict Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    This Cancun care site is one of the best things because it gets us talking to each other and excited for our trips and as you said management is listening one thing I like is that Nicholas Santos the general manager is very approachable at the resort and does listen to our request and also your hands on with your meetings with them I'm sure with your many requests has brought many positive things to Temptations thanks Steve
  10. teamDMFP

    teamDMFP Guru Registered Member

    Jun 28, 2013
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    We saw some people hang their sexy signs over the peep hole in the door...we did that with ours and it actually stayed there better then over the doorknob.
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