Time Share pitch

Discussion in 'Golden Parnassus Forum' started by Matt and Amber, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. Matt and Amber

    Matt and Amber Regular Registered Member

    Nov 9, 2009
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    North Dakota
    +80 / 1
    Courious if GP does the dreaded "breakfast tour" like Temptaion does. As a first time stay at GP is there any timeshare trap I need to be aware of so I can make sure and not get suckered in to a 2 hr sales meeting. Luckly I was prewarned prior to our first trip to tempations and was able to avoid it. Hoping someone can let me know what to expect here as well.
  2. mark n lin

    mark n lin Enthusiast Registered Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    If you are offered a tour of the property, you will want to decline

  3. pocodinero

    pocodinero Regular Registered Member

    Jul 3, 2009
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    It may start as soon as you arrive to the hotel. They may try to tell you that the room is not ready and that you should need to see the "concierge."
    If you inquire about tours, they can tell you the price then say, "but you can have it for free if you go to a presentation.

    Best excuses to get out of the presentation is to tell them that you work in the hotel or airline industry or that you just declared bankrupcy. Single men or married couples that do not have matching id´s (different addresses) usually don´t qualify either.

    Lastly, if you are thinking of going to a presentation. The person that first contacts you may have up to $300 to spend to get you to go. So, you can negotiate a better gift (cash, tours, jewlery, etc) just for going. Of course, the more you get, the higher the pressure. Don´t settle for a free hat or tequila shot like most people do. Just remember, a free gift is not free if it costs you $40,000 in the end.
  4. ELISE909

    ELISE909 Guest

    +0 / 0
    The time share ppl are watching the front as new guests check in/arrive. A GP front lobby person will escort you to the lobby seating for check in. Usually, immediately after, the time share ppl will come up and make conversation. You will know it when you see them. They will make conversation with you, then comes the pitch. When we see them coming, we politely get up and a quick no thanks does the trick.
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