I have read a lot about what people typically do at night: dinner clothes then change for later... We will definitely be doing some of the theme nights, but I'm wondering about outfits for those not dressing up in theme? Just hot dresses/ outfits? Or what do people wear? We are on the one week countdown!
It's our first time too, so I'm no expert... but it seems like everyone is very cool with whatever you feel like doing! One night that we are not doing during our stay is the Mardi Gras night. Nikki just couldn't ever find anything she liked for that theme, so it'll just be one of her extra sexy dresses for the night!
We've been twice and are looking forward to our 3rd trip this Dec. In our experience, unless you are going with a really large group there is less participation in theme nights than you might think. The majority of the people at the resort are not on CCC. Our group which is smaller tends to stick with the resort themes. Sexy red, white, lingerie, BDSM , etc. Most nights Amy wears a very sexy dress to dinner and PatyO's. With that said you can wear whatever you want. You can wear lingerie out every single night and nobody will think anything of it. It's really up to each individual. Don't over think it, you are going to have the time of your life!
We completely agree! I have lots of theme stuff, but if the spirit moves me I may change a couple times over the evening and often end up in lingerie.
No way a lady would change a couple of times in an evening, lol. We agree, go with your feelings that day. Take a few theme night outfits. If you decide not to wear them, you have costumes for years to come. Sexy dresses are always appreciated by many.
I am definitely planning on red night, white night and lingere night. Being newbies I'm not very creative with the other nights so hot dresses it will probably be!!!
Anything from here Clubwear | Spurst.Com will be considered about right... :aktion033::aktion033::aktion033:
Don't worry about theme nights, a smaller percentage of people actually participate. Just dress as sexy as you're comfortable doing and you'll be fine.
AGREED! There always seems to be folks that push the themes but........no one has to do any of them with the exception of the resorts lingerie Night.......if you want to play in the Casino..........lol....you must be in lingerie.....or do what lots of folks do and go directly to Patty O's! We've planned for themes..............but........I'm gonna wear wtf I want!
Key: It is YOUR vacation, so if you want to join in the theme participation, go with that. If you/your lady has a hot outfit they've been dying to wear out and haven't had a chance to at wherever, go for it. If you want to just chill and have shorts and a t-shirt or tank top on, go with that, too. It's about the fun, remember. If your fun will be enhanced by an outfit, great! If it is enhanced by theme night participation, Fantastic! If not, chill is also cool with everyone. Don't sweat it. For instance, last year Stacia didn't have lingerie she wanted to wear, but she did want to wear this dress whith these huge holes in it, so she wore that. I was completely cool with it as that dress ends up leaving very little... oh shoot no, it left nothing to the imagination by the time she got dancing in it the first time!