Any suggestions for theme nights? We are first timers and I want to make sure we are prepared! Thanks
Hey there!! I will be there the 6th and 7th..... I saw another group thinking about doing sexy costumes(Halloween in August). What about dressing up to represent where you are from(state or country or city) I really want to do something, I just wanna make sure we have enough people so we don't look silky
We will be there from the 7-13 and would be up for doing a couple theme nights. I'm guessing th 7th would be good for all of us...but whatever works for everyone else is fine. I think sexy costumes sounds most fun. Looking silly is kind of the idea of theme nights isn't it?! :wink3:
Hey we are repeaters and will be there Aug 6-13th...count us in now there is Atleast 6 of us! Take care.
Well, with our friends that is at least 8 of us!!! Seems like more people are coming out now there is a handful on the FB page too that I told about the site...maybe they will venture over. There are others on here too according to the booze cruise thread that are interested doing that on the 7th. Maybe they will jump on board too!! I'm super excited now that I know of a few people going in
Hey in addition to a coule of theme nights...perhaps if we can get close to 20 interested Steve can consider a cruise...repeaters but have always missed on Steve's cruise...have heard from others on the site how great it is!! Any thoughts on the theme nights? Perhaps a school girl night, a mesh night... Ideas others have used in the past and had fun with...
ok i like the sexy costume night idea. Thanks by the way for telling me about this thread. We arrive on the 7th tho s couldnt do the 6th.