Good lord that place sounds like heaven. I just got in to it with one of my Male friends. He mentioned that LeBron James just had another baby with his girlfriend and that he does not know why HE does not want to marry her. My friend says, "Maybe she has issues or something." I let him have it. I said, "Maybe SHE doesn't want to marry him. Maybe he has some issues that HE needs to work on before she will marry him. Men do not control everything you know and his girlfriend has a mind of her own and maybe she is the one that is not ready. Did you ever think of that? Dumb ass." MEN!!!!! Anyways, maybe we can all room together!!!!! EB
Maybe she doesn't want to get married? A chick who will produce his offspring but doesn't want to marry???
She already had his child... Unmarried chicks have kids so they can increase their pressure tactics pushing for marriage that and push presents... who knew? Guys, seriously... if you don't know what a push present is, look into it. I didn't know, and still haven't lived it down... The "nobody told me" excuse doesn't work!
Then there's the other side of the equality coin: To avoid double standards, women like Anna-Maria are fanatical about paying their fair share on dates. "I feel very uncomfortable if a man buys me dinner or drinks — as though I owe him something," she says. I'm moving back to the homeland! woo