The story of the FOUR SHITS written by a Crazy SHIT There are four shits in the land of temptations: The BLUE SHIT, THE GREEN SHIT, THE RED SHIT, and the YELLOW SHIT. Each shit is equally potent and will fuck your SHITup if you drink too much of the SHIT. Our first encounter was with the BLUE SHIT served by friends who are cool as SHIT, we met on a boat off the coast of the land of temptations after consuming tequila served by a Mexican man named CHINOS with one big ass TIT, who was crazy as SHIT. CHINOs has a magical way of getting everyone half naked as SHIT and not giving a SHIT. After consuming the BLUE SHIT for a long time it was pointed out that the BLUE SHIT really does taste like SHIT and we moved on to the RED SHIT. By this time we were all drunk as SHIT and were not smart enough to quit the SHITwhen one of our new found friends brought us all a shot of the Green SHIT. Now the GREEN SHIT was loved by none but drunk by all and lasted not long before someone moved on to introduce our band of friends to the YELLOW SHIT. Now it was determined, especially the ladies who were hot as SHIT, that the YELLOW SHIT was the best SHIT and we kept drinking that SHIT because none of us gave a SHIT. By now some of the ladies decided to leave to go do some fun SHIT and the rest of us continued to party like SHIT. Someone reported the bed in the room the ladies went got wet as SHIT and someone called maid service who also didn’t give a SHIT! Everyone in the land of temptations kept asking us what is that SHIT called, so we informed them just ask for one of the FOUR SHITS. Now be advised that asking for the FOUR SHITS too often may lead to you doing some crazy SHIT, not remembering SHIT..but will definitely make you happy as SHIT. However, consuming the FOUR SHITS will result in you hurting like SHIT until the next day when you take your first RAINBOW SHIT. And that my friends is the END OF THIS SHIT