Ok, So TTR Faq's A Weather FAQ i.e. The weather forecasts online are never right, ignore them A Chinos FAQ i.e. He is missed, he is currently working at XXXXXX, he is really missed, and he will/will not be going back to TTR A Miss Temptation FAQ Yes its rigged, the site can't help it if both people are members of the site, and Steve gets tired of the monthly thread on said topic An alcohol FAQ Its bad! Smirnoff/Absolut is top shelf. Bring your own from the Duty Free or Home A Bubba Keg FAQ Yes. Bring it. A Booking FAQ Alpharooms; Yes they book from the US. Change the dropdown menu. Don't book flights from the US A single FAQ: Yes you will be fine. If you arent a creepster. If you arent a football team. If you don't think your heading to Thailand A Steve FAQ Yes, he is awesome. Yes he runs the cruise. No he won't run it with 6 people. Ok, what other FAQ's do we need.
No, it is not a problem there. If someone is taking unwanted pictures, just alert security, but it really shouldn't be a problem.
Q:How is the food? A: good to very good but not 5* Q:How are the rooms? A: The rooms are adequate/good. Who spends much non-drunk time in the room anyway? Q: Do people participate in the theme night? A: Yes! lingerie night is Thursday night, White night is Friday and the pool party is Saturday. For lingerie women can wear as skimpy as they want. Men must have on boxers or some type of underwear/pjs with no shirt to get in Nice Shoes for this night.
Q : are the pools heated A : Sexy pool (main pool) usually Q : hows the beach/ A : there's a beach? Nice sand ,,water not so nice weedy spots Q; how to get to the hotel from the airport A; USA Transfers ,,use link on this site Q; Best time to go A; When you need a good time Q; Are time shares good A; Not going to go there,lol