We spent the day at Playa Ballenas yesterday, in front of Le Meridien. My wife and our daughter-in-law got a mild case. My grandaughter, my son and myself escaped unscathed. It seems as though the "areas of interest" were the bikini tops. Be forewarned. Please note: This is a message posted in 2007. Please go to the end of the thread on page 2 for my last post.
SEA BATHERS ERUPTION WELL IT'S THAT TIME AND I DID A LITTLE RESEARCH ON THIS I WILL POST WHAT I FOUND OUT..... Persons with histories of allergies should avoid swimming in waters infested with Thimble Jellyfish. Swimmers who must risk exposure should avoid the use of T'shirts as they trap the thimble Jellyfish between skin and clothing thus increasing the severity of the reaction. After exposure to seawater, swimmers SHOULD NOT SHOWER WITH FRESH WATER. Fresh water triggers the stinging cells. It is advisable to change out of bathing suit as soon as possible and apply vinegar wich neutralizes the nematocysts that cling to the skin but have not yet released their toxins. Bathing suits should be thouroghly washed with detergent as symptoms may recur if contaminated suits that were poorly washed are re-worn. When the lesions are minimal the application of creams and lotions to reduce the rash is recommended . The use of antihystamines is often helpful but should not be done without consulting a Physician. In severe cases topical and systemic steroids may be used but always under Medical supervisiopn. IMORTANT, DO NOT SCRATCH the affected areas because this can lead to skin infections. HOPE THIS KEEPS EVERYONE OUT OF PROBLEMS, HAVE FUN SWIM NUDE AND YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE A PROBLEM. :shock:
Re: SEA BATHERS ERUPTION This is great info - but somehow it's difficult to visualse nude people running to their rooms from the ocean to take vinegar baths. Is there a more practical solution?
we went to Isla Mujeres in our boat this weekend and also saw sea lice or pequeños dedales (those are the parents of sea lice) I always carry a bag of Bold3 (laundry granulated soap) and when we see dedales or someone begin with the scratching rub the infected parts with the soap and fresh water, do not know why but it works, sea lice dead and scratch end.
Although it won't encourage people to swim in the nude, it IS practical, and similar to the 'home remedy' for mosquito bites (which ranges - depending on where you hear it - from direct application of soap to alcohol to - believe it or not - clorox). Thx Ana
They are microscopic larvae of the thimble jellyfish. I saw a lot of the jellyfish in thin ribbons across the sea yesterday on our booze cruise to Isla. So I would expect to start hearing more stories of people that have been 'got' soon. See my site at: Sea Lice in Cancun | Prevention and Treatment | Cancuncare For further info