So Loren has been practicing his dance moves, getting ready for Patty O's I graciously try to explain to him that "The Hokey Pokey is not really a Sexy Mexico Dance." He said "It depends on What you put in & Shake all around!"
I don't dance... not even a little and never have nor tried. Is this gonna be a problem for people when I'm just walking around at Pat O's observing? Is every last person getting jiggy wit' it? Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
nah..lots of people are just standing around drinking...not nearly enough table room! my husband didn't dance either. not a big thing
Dude, bust out a few moves on the dance floor and your lady will likely throw you some new ones back in appreciation, at Paty-O's and back in your room. Women love that shit and it's not for us to question why, it just is.
I know I love to dance. My husband could take it or leave it but there are always fringe benefits when he participates.