To All Over the years I have read many posts on this board about camera usage & the do's & don'ts of picture taking. I have since come to the conclusion that this debate will never end. On one side I understand the point of view that we don't want to be photographed by a stranger and have an ill-advised photo pop up on the internet possibly in some sort of undress.(us included).One vote for a camera ban. On the other hand we treasure the photos we have of our TTR trips & wish we had hundreds more. One vote for no camera ban. I know you say we just have to use discrection of the photos taken. Ya right. That's like telling everyone to drink responsibly & behave like adults. It just isn't going to happen. Everyone thinks their photos are OK but others may be crossing the line. The photos we have of lingerie night last trip are priceless. They were taken of our group only but if there was a camera ban in Nice Shoes, we would never have been able to take them. I'm sure photos were taken that night that shouldn't have been taken. Hence the Great Camera Debate. I've been thinking about this for a while but came up again while reading the feedback on Uncle Tom's video.(which I thought was great, nice work Tom). Would be curious of other peoples thoughts on this Scott
I have no problem with cameras in the right hands. If we are taken pictures of the scenary or of friends which is the only pictures I ever take. I've had people ask to take my picture while I was dressed for lingerie night and I was ok with that as some of you have seen lol. However the pervert, such is the case we encountered last year peeved me. There was a guy that would walk by a topless girl(s) take their picture and walk away. Tyler, my friend, walk up to him and told him flat out, "If you are hanging out with us and we give permission you can take our picture as is the case with most people here. But, this walking up taking photos of girls you don't know is not cool. You do it again I'll break your camera." He isn't the most diplomatic person but the point is if everyone used thier camera to capture their friends and self it would be a better place. But you know as well as I do their will always be that one person that ruins it for all.
That's always been the philosophy that seems to work best. Friends taking pictures of friends allow us to take home great memories. And for those in our group that want to share, we download the memory cards (of only the pictures and videos they want to share) before leaving and mail out DVDs to those who shared (from May's trip came the compilation "Swine Flu: The Movie"). It really upsets me when people take pictures of strangers without their permission. It's one thing when you are taking a picture of the entire pool area and everyone is in the picture; it's another thing to walk around the pool or beach and take close-ups of someone without their knowledge. I'm like your friend and I'll stop strangers from perving around people in the group I'm with. The other post mentioned camcorders, and I think the same philosphy still holds. I'm sure there will be camcorders around the cruise, but since most digital cameras now have decent quality video, there's no way to differentiate. I'll admit, I could be overly conservative on the issue. Single males have a terrible reputation because of the actions of a few(??) and I've made many true friends from these trips and never want to make anyone feel uncomfortable. Even though I paid for part of college by owning a photography studio, it's only been the last few trips I've started taking pictures...and then, just because friends like Rob keep saying they trust me and know I'd err on the side of respecting someone. I'd hate to see a ban (except maybe of the long telephoto lenses occasionally out there), but I'd abide to whatever rules are in place. September 3rd can't get here too quickly!! Tequila Ken
It's a tough one... I don't agree with cameras being banned even though I always go topless I don't mind getting my picture taken as long as I have been asked.... I will not be amused to say the least if I see someone taking my pic "on the sly" so to speak. We were last at TTR 4 years ago and there was never any problems with cameras (I know they weren't allowed in Nice Shoes then) but there was never an issue around the pool, has this changed???
The whole camera debate is why we set up the TemptationPics site on Fotki. This way people can share their pics without "exposing" others to the general public. The site has worked out well with about 40 albums on it and just under 2000 pics. The only downside is that I get requests for passwords from people who have been on CC for a week. I just tell them that the site is meant for people to share their pics with people they know and that is the only purpose to the site and once they come back from TTR we will be glad to set up an album for them. We've found that most of the people who go to the resort are pretty good about not posting pics from the resort on general public sites. Bottom line for us is that cameras for fun are fine, but cameras for pervs are not. No way to enforce it other than "harsh" diplomacy, but again most folks are pretty good about it.
I said this in another post but I'll add it here because it should have been here.. *L* I remember BBV from 10 years ago. (That's Blue Bay Village)... No cameras allowed and if you went to nice shoes you particpated or you were asked to leave and go to the alternative bar. Participation in the games/events and toplessness was a lot more plentiful. People were not afraid to let loose. When Nat and I went to BBG for the first time (2006) nothing had changed. No cameras and for games like Quest you were either in or out. In 2007 things really changed. Cameras were everywhere. One guy almost got his head knocked off by someone from our group because he was taking pictures without asking permission. Games like Quest were frustrating because most of our team wouldn't join in. And I heard many women comment that they'd love to go topless but were afraid of what their church would say or the PTA if they ended up on the internet. In 2008 Nat and I had a who cares attitude. We weren't going to let the creepers spoil our fun and participated in whatever we felt like. We only think the cameras should be banned so that it would encourage more participation.
I completely agree. We've been there 3 times. The first two times (2003 & 2004, I believe) there was a stricter no camera policy. No cameras at nice shoes. And limited cameras during the games. When we went last year, it was completely different. Cameras everywhere. We didn't participate in any games because of the dozens of strangers camera pointing at the contestants. I said my piece on this many times before. Friends cameras fine, great, all for it. Strangers cameras no. Melinda is a respected college professor. I own a highly visable business. We're active in PTAs, high school booster clubs, and in our church. It is shame that the pervs with the cameras are impeding our good time. I don't know if we'll be back because of it. Marsh
I should say that the staff are more than willing to shut the pervs down. I remember talking to Chinos after the one problem I mentioned and he bitched me out because I didn't tell him. He said that they take that seriously and would have happily taken care of it. I'm sure that Mario, T and the new gang would do the same. If you've got someone perving take it to the staff. After all.... you paid to go on vacation to be able to relax right???
My wife goes topless and she nor I care if she is in a picture or if we know the person or not as long as it is just for their private vacation memories. Posting on the web even here I would not think much of for sure. I have pictures of crazy darts and some body shots and general pool shots with boobies in the pictures of people I don't know. I don't like to share them with anyone but to look back at the vacation with my wife it is fun to remember watching some of the fun things that go on there. If that makes me a perv then I am a perv no big deal. Some pictures of my wife were taken when she was playing topless black jack. I did not mind as honestly how many places do you see THAT and it would be a vacation memory for anyone even if it was not their wife. I wish I had my camera. As long as what happens at temptations stays with those at temptations I have no problem with it. If a guy takes a picture of her topless on the sly or right in front of me I don't care as long as it is just for vacation memories and stays off the internet. Scenery is scenery it may be boobies to one and moutains and sunsets to another. If you can bann cameras from anyone that has the intent of putting pictures on the internet I am all for it and would help pulling the memory card and tossing it in the pool. how do you know I don't know. If a guy is with his wife who is topless chances are he is going to respect others topless wives but there are no guarantees in life.
That's why I think it's easier to just ban them and allow those people who are worried the piece of mind that they can have fun and not worry about the motives of other potentially shady people.