Not sure if this has been talked about yet but I had two different staff members tell me that TTR my not be there much longer. One staff member told me he was looking for another job and when I asked him why he said that he was told that they were going to tear the hotel down. He told me that they had plans to rebuild but he said that he wanted a back up plan. I asked him if he knew when and he told me that he heard it was going to be in 2 years. I then asked another staff member later in the week if that rumor was true and he told me yes and that he heard that they were going to tear down sections at a time and then rebuild so that the hotel never really closed. Im not saying any of this was true just wondering if anyone else had info on this?
no ! but i hear there is a new one at the end of same beach ? not sure bout that tho either. same but not ? see much of Cabo ?
I wouldn't be surprised to see them add things on a bit at a time, considering the vast majority (if not all) of the construction at TTR and most other places near by is concrete they would have to have some very well laid plans in place (no pun intended of course lol). to tear things down and rebuild they would have to really close the hotel, sections at a time. Not sure if they would want to take a bite out of the cash cow of the chain, after buying the Pearl and the still unfinished Unik they were working on in Isla Mujeres. Logically I would think it would make sense to find a nearby property that was vacant to build from scratch. But who knows? As long as I can get a good trip in starting Friday I won't worry too much for the time being!
There was a post on here the other day saying that they were going to be tearing down and rebuilding the hotel a section at a time, making it larger by adding more floors... I for one don't really mind it too much.. An increase in room quality will be kind of nice.
JMO I think the resort could use some updating for sure but then again its not a 5 star resort. If they tear down and rebuild we all know what that is going to do to the price of our vacations there. We have been watching the price for our May trip and its a little more than what we have paid in the past, but its still early so that could change also. I guess we will have to set back and watch and see what happens and I will try to find out more about this next week and let everyone know what we find out. I hope this saying is not true ( nothing last forever ) ....
Ah guys, we could always move over to Hedo, its a little more wild than some of us want to be \ are, but the reality is that we go there to be with each other not so much the resort itself. We could crash any resort. Although there is something to be said for the entertainment staff and what not at the hotel too. With that said in all honesty, if the price of Temptations goes up any more we wont be going next year. The resort is not worth 3390 as it is, but we love the company and atmosphere and the people we have met there. Adult and free..... I am unsure we would want to attend during any kind of construction either, we have done that before at the larger Barcelo down by Tulum. While it was nice and they kept the sound to a minimum I think due to the small size of the Temptations property that it would be a little loud.
If they were going to tear it down why are they currently repainting? Why go through the expense to redo patyo's earlier this year and add the new premier deck and bar?
What would be smart is for Temptations to set things straight. Tell people on their FB page what the plan is. Problem solved, no rumours just facts would be nice. We want to go back but again depends on whats going on.
We'd be up for Hedo for sure - absolutely loved Desire. From what I understand, Hedo is undergoing renovations as well, but I don't know what the time frames are or if they're focused heavily on structural or just simple changes..
We have talked about it, and we are open, and new to the life style but we are not quite ready, according to my wife, for hedo hehe. A few years perhaps, but it seems that will be forced upon us in 2