So the Mrs. Wants to know what's the food like? Is there anything we should stray away from, or something that we def. have to try?
Food We have been to there 12 times now and heading back in June !!!! We have have enjoyed the food. Our favorites are the Italian and the seafood restaurant.. You need to order the sexy coffee at the Italian restaurant. The grouper at the seafood restaurant is delicious. Some people really enjoy the Chinese restaurant too but we have never been huge fans. The buffet always has a great selection and you can find something u like. The breakfast omelets are amazing. If u like steak across the road they have a Brazilian style steakhouse where they bring skewers of meat to your table. !!!! If all else fails the late night hamburgers are EPIC
We enjoyed all the restaurants!! it's worth trying them all. if you make res. make it for 4 ppl as you may want to bring some new friends with u or you may get invited to go yourself.
I have to agree.. We have been to temptations 16 times, and you can always find something good. Some days are better than the others, but you will get full.:wave:
You're sure to find something you will enjoy at each restaurant. My personal fav is the Asian, but Tab is not a fan. We both agree that the Italian is the best. I don't think the Brazilian Steakhouse is open, anymore. At least last June it was closed...
Quote: If u like steak across the road they have a Brazilian style steakhouse where they bring skewers of meat to your table. Yep it was closed in sept when we was there
that steakhouse was also about $50 per person. I really like the Asian we try and make res for dinner at 1 of the restaurants every night were their and always book for 4 just in case.
Hey! We booked all inclusive - does this still mean we have to reserve a table? Should we take money to dinner for anything, tips, etc? Is there any food that isn't all inclusive? Thanks
There are something's on the menu for members and there are a few things they charge for.. but really the 8 or 9 times we've been there we haven't felt left out or feel we're missing anything.. I recommend bring cash for tipping. I think just the Italian and the Asian requires reservations.. and I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong you can call and make reservations.