Well we just returned again from an amazing time. Steve once again Thank you for everything you do. The Website the entire experience on the Boobs Cruise, and the fun at TTR would not be an attainable experience without the hard work, you, Janet, Chinos, Omar, and the entire staff of the cruise, do. I really wasn't sure if the experience was going to be the same. Usually when you do something that you experience just before the very first time, the unknown beforehand directly adds to the "funtime" that you had when you finish it, and when you return for a second time, it tends to fail reaching the incredible high expectations that you may have. This time around it was even better. The site allows you to meet up with old friends that we hadn't seen in a year (since the first go round) and allow us to meet even new ones that add to the party on the second trip, and before you know it.... your happy family of party goers grow continuously. And once again the mrs. and I return tired,,,,but feeling like our relationship is as strong as it was when we were 18 and 16, (27 years ago) crap, anyway you do the math, but Steve we Thank You!! :icon_cool::schlafen004: :liebe011: very very tired!!
isn't it true though really? Steve doesn't get enough credit for our happiness! lol! Thanks for the acknowledgment! Thank you Steve for CCC!
Yeah I think the ONE thing that everyone can agree on is that, without the people TTR would not be the same place, Steve supplies that platform for everyone to plan, communicate, get to know each other. Through all this on the forum we build the excitement for everyone to look forward to, (that getaway) that everyone looks forward to for months before actually coming... what can you say it works!!
Glad you had a fun time again, and thanks for the thanks. It's always a little daunting wondering whether you're second trip will live up to the first, but it rarely disappoints if you go along with right attitude which I know you have. I'm pleased cancuncare has helped facilitate all the good times for going on 13 years now, and hope that your 3rd 4th 5th and 6th trip equally meets or exceeds your expectations