All I saw was a picture of a bunch of naked man-ass getting out of the Is there actual volleyball that is played?
That wasn't volleyball u saw then...cause tequila volleyball is played on land at least when we were there it was
:daveandmo:when we were there last April tequila volleyball was played in the pool and the losers had to fetch their suits out on the beach but not before rolling around in the sand and then being rinsed off with ice cold water!!!!! GOOD TIMES!!!
Take it from me, I played last November and they play 3 games in the sport pool...I was lucky and was on the winners team. The problem is that most times it's a sauage fest, most women don't want to do it.
trust me there is definitely a water volleyball game played but its not like the ones in your back yard where men get injured..........and sister wives are not allowed to speak unless spoken to and only get to play............if they can handle a spike to the forehead........... its more like drunk naked wvb where chinos adjust the rules based upon his mood its a lot of fun but a totally different kind of game from the ones in the backyard ntvb at tmepation competitive wvb in the backyard rob