Temptation Trip Report September 2-10 Labor Day Gang

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by kristinanddoug, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. kristinanddoug

    kristinanddoug Cancun Party Expert Registered Member

    May 8, 2011
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    Minneapolis, MN
    +11 / 0
    This was our 4th trip to Temptation in the past couple years and it was one of the best vacations yet. There is one reason it was the best, because of the great group of people that happened to be there during that time. We got lucky, because not all groups of people at Temptation are as much fun to hang out as our Labor Day folks were, you guys were the best, thank you!

    We made record breaking time through customs at the Cancun Airport and the USA Transfers van was literally less than a 5-minute wait before we were driving to the hotel. It took approximately 45 minutes from exiting the airplane until we were at the Temptation lobby. We had just reserved a regular room through trivago.co.uk and upon checking in asked if we could get a room on the 3rd floor of Building 1. Sure enough, one was available, but it had two "queens" (more like full) instead of a King. We accepted, and stayed in this room the whole trip. Of course we would have preferred a King Size bed but we really liked our room location. Here is the view to the left and to the right off our balcony:


    Our first two trips we stayed in Building 1. Our 3rd trip we stayed in Building 5. This trip we again stayed in Building 1. We had Room 1308. Although the rooms in the other buildings have much more dresser space, we really like staying over by the Quiet pool in Building 1. And we also prefer the 3rd floor because we never go to the gym while at Temptation. Here is a picture of the room:



    I am happy that Bellavista is still a non-reservation restaurant, but they have taken away all the best menu options for the red wrist band people. You can no longer get the Surf & Turf or the Coconut Shrimp at the Bellavista restaurant unless you have a white band.
    Also, the menus at the restaurants have changed. So now the best option for a steak lover who is wearing a red wrist band without a reservation is the new Rib Eye that they serve at Margarita's for dinner.
    Of course they still have the good steak at the Italian restaurant but you must make reservations. And they have made making reservations so much easier, all you have to do is call from your room to make reservations now. Although our phone didn't work so we never made any reservations. The non-reservation food is still very much edible and can be very enjoyable, however, we were there 9 days this time, so about Day 6 we started eating out A LOT more.
    The only time we eat at the buffet is breakfast, and boy do we love the breakfast at Temptation. They have really improved all of their breakfast items. The French Toast was much better this trip, and the made to order omelettes are always the best. We both had an omelette every single morning, it is the 1st time in 4 trips we have made it to every single breakfast! Kristin swears that the only place to eat a good mango is in Mexico, she had one every morning.


    So we went to La Isla Mall quite a bit for dinners too. We really like eating a decent meal, then grabbing a Starbucks or an ice cream cone and walking around La Isla Mall. We ate at a great pizza place, forget the name, but it is the only pizza place at La Isla Mall. It has New York Style thin crust in a brick oven, really good pepperoni too. We ate at Hooters there too, man their wings are the best, but don't get the Mild wings, they have NO sauce on them. You have to get the HOT wings to be just like the Mild or Medium wings you get in the States. Here is a picture of Kristin eating at Hooters in La Isla Mall:



    So we are all about going down to the massage tables just to the west of the Temptation volleyball courts. They have a great little spot, just a quick walk down the beach. It is still $45/hour and $30/half hour. It is the best deal in all of Cancun for massages. They do a great job and the price is right. We got a massage 4 out of the 9 days we were there. We love that place.


    I don't know what else to say about the Labor Day Gang except that they kicked ass! I lost count of how many competitions we won. And they have really made the prizes for winning the competitions much better. Kristin and I won the Perfect Couple competition and they gave us a free lobster dinner for two to use at any of the restaurants. Fortunately, Jason and Christy had a reservation at the Italian restaurant that same night so we ate with them and Kristin and Christy got the lobster and Jason and I both got the steak. It was a wonderful meal and I am sure I will be making more reservations for the specialty restaurants in the future.
    A big shout out goes to Noah and Claudio for all the effort those guys put into the competitions day and night. You guys really set the bar high, and any time you feel the need to practice on the stripper pole, my basement is at your disposal. I believe Claudio won a free massage at Temptation for winning one of the competitions, and that Tina won a free pedicure for winning a competition. So compete in those contests people, they are actually giving away good prizes now!
    I couldn't even begin to start naming all the good fun we had with everyone, but here are some highlights. Delicious was there for our whole trip, what a wonderful woman she is, life of the party, always having fun, she always seems to be there when we are, but then again, she is always there. Glenn and Monique it was great to finally meet you, we had an absolute blast celebrating Monique's birthday with you and hanging out with you guys, hopefully we will see you again. Carrie and Melissa, it was great to see you guys. I know how much fun Kristin has dancing it up with Carrie, you are the best. And I hope Melissa's chin has healed, thank God for super glue. Don and Donna were there again and we have to thank you for always letting us throw our crap under your chairs when we finally rolled around to the Sexy Pool about 11:45am. Don, that underwater camera was the best investment you ever made, don't ever lose that memory card, and leave your shades open! Rene and Dan, thanks for not calling the front desk because all of the late night sex sounds coming from our room, you guys are awesome, you give the single guys a good name, hopefully we will see you there again. Dee and Skip, congrats on finally becoming a "couple" you guys were an absolute blast, we loved hanging out with you and I'm sure you will be making a return trip to Temptation. Kat & Loren, we were so happy to see you guys again, although most of it was in the pouring rain, this was by far the rainiest vacation we have ever had in Cancun, so we were so happy that you guys were there to keep us company, thank you! Debbie & "Dallas" we loved seeing you in the pool everyday even though you lost your voice, it happens, screaming can do that to a person. Bill & Sandy, Ron & Dani, Dennis & Kim, Gary & Carla, Butch & Tiff, Dave & Nik, you guys are the life blood of the Labor Day Gang, it was so great to see you guys again, you're the reason we keep coming back, thank you! And Dave, I don't know how you have the energy to keep dancing from sunrise to sunset, but my God man, share your secret, I think Kristin is in love with you. Jeff & Gabby, it was very nice to meet you, if we would have met on one of our previous dozen trips, I think we would have spent a lot more time in the room. But we really slowed our roll this trip, but that doesn't mean it will continue, I am guessing we will be riding the train much more next trip! Noah and Ali, you guys are the bomb, what great theme night outfits, what great participation in the contests, what a champ you guys were out on our balcony. Seriously, we would party with guys again in a heartbeat, you are our kind of people, thanks! Tina & Claudio, I mean what can I say? We love you guys, both of you won some nice prizes in the competitions, and we were right there cheering you on. Claudio, you are by far one of the BEST belly floppers in the history of belly flopping, props to you sir! Hopefully our next vacation will coincide, because you guys keep the party rocking! If I am forgetting someone, I blame it on the alcohol, oh and by the way, if you like vodka, NEVER let them pour you a rail vodka, that stuff is crap!

    Public Beach by Coco Bongo
    Public Beach by Coco Bongo
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2013
  2. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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  3. Captain Blue Eyes

    Captain Blue Eyes I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Nov 1, 2010
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    It was great meeting you guys! It WAS an awesome week......hope we an all do it again! :lotsofmichaelfs:
  4. glenn/monique

    glenn/monique Titties n Beer Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2006
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    +427 / 1
    Muah Guys see you next year right? Loved meeting you guys too.
  5. dikfore

    dikfore I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 10, 2012
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    On or In NormaSnockers..
    +448 / 0
    I really got hosed on the contest prizes... All I won was a shitty bottle of champagne! I don't even think I won a tshirt this time!

    And I almost died when I saw Kristin spanking you with the microphone..

    Next trip you going to join us for the theme night madness? I think I may need to find a trip to Minnesota so that I can take you up on that stripper pole practice... Lord knows I need it. And I know Claudio really needed that massage after his pole dancing lol. Quite possibly the best line of the week "I pulled a hammy doing that dance on the stripper pole!"

    And Dave sneaks in a shitload of energy drinks... That's how he keeps it up lol..

    And the balcony... That was an absolutely AWESOME time.. I'm TOTALLY up for that again.

    We can't wait to see you guys again and party with you guys again... You guys are so awesome.
  6. Bubba

    Bubba Addict Registered Member

    Sep 29, 2011
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    Alberta, Canada
    +50 / 0
    Great Trip Report Guys... I was great to meet you guys as well. I was a few rooms down and heard nothing from your room, so you could not have been that loud!! lol..

    Hope to see you guys there again!!
  7. carriejean

    carriejean Guru Registered Member

    Apr 30, 2011
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    Loved seeing you guys again!!!!! Glad we had a couple of nights together, let's make it more next time so Kristin and I can dance more! :lotsofmichaelfs:
  8. Valleygirl

    Valleygirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    thanks for taking teh time to post pictures and a review!! I wanna go that time too now..
  9. kandl

    kandl Guest

    +0 / 0
    Soo glad we got to share in the tail end of your Party! Great to see you two again. It continued to rain everyday after Ya'll left, so we were miserable and had no fun without you! lol
  10. **fancy**pants**

    **fancy**pants** Addict Registered Member

    Feb 14, 2012
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    Oregon, USA
    +71 / 0
    I was there some of your dates. :) Awesome trip review! Thanks for sharing. I forgot to take any pics of our actual room or the view from our room and I had even taken a mental note to do so prior to this trip. The only pics I have from inside our room definitely cannot be posted. lol. I will try to remember for next time. :icon_smile:

    I'll have to try to write a review once I am done detoxing. Just got home and it's gonna take me a couple days to recover.
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