I've never been one to get sunburns but last year I ended up redder than a rock boiled lobster. *L* So tell me.. what sunscreen do you use? I spend most of my time in the pool so I'm trying to find something that I won't have to reapply every 5 minutes.
My best suggestion would be to talk to Tori at the resort and she'll set you up with something that works for your skin type and the sun in Cancun. She's goes by ToriB on the Board here and has posted about being there before so you might do a quick search and see what she had to say... Here's the post: http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/temptation-resort-cancun/18121-personal-suncare-advisor.html Jamie
Thanks Jamie... we're not noobs by any means but last year it was insanely hot. I remember talking to Sergio and he said that even the locals were finding it freakin hot *L* I'm just hoping to find something before we leave.
Ian I did good this last trip. I usually burn everyday. I used a 60, the baby shit on the shoulders and arms. I used a 30 on the rest of me. Coppertone I think.
Yep, get in touch with ToriB. A good friend of mine and certainly knows her stuff, just check out her own tan.
I get 30spf or higher and make sure it's waterproof.. I generally get the one for sport use which is sweat proof and water proof etc.. the thing most people generally mess up with is you're supposed to apply the sunscreen about 30mins BEFORE going out into the sun so that your skin can absorb it before being exposed..
I always tan with SPF on and it's actually healthier for your skin that way. Even my tanning oil has additional SPF in it..
I'm pretty new to sunscreen.... for years I never needed anything... the Ozone must really be deteriorating... *L*... Thanks
Applying BEFORE going out in the sun is exactly what you should do. Also, reapply every couple of hours. Don't forget your ears!