Hey guys, just a quick question, what is the peak period for summer break, what weeks exactly? How is the atmosphere in CUN compared to SB?
The dates vary depending on the location of the school district. Most schools take summer vacation from early to mid June to Labor Day or from late May to late August. School may start as early as late July or early August, often in the southern part of the country.
i went this year in march/april.. but usually go mid june.. I actually enjoy it more mid june.. the crowd isn't a bunch of drunk 18 year olds being disrespectful.. its 20-mid thirties out at the clubs.. handling there liquor. When i ws there in march, a group of probably 18 year olds were on the bus drunk, saying "fuck mexico" and shouting there area code.. like really.. dont cometo mexico and be disrespectful .. that made me so angry
Many thanks for this info NIC. Do you have by chance a kind of schedule of what college is on vacation and what period? (the same as we can find for SB periods). I got friends asking questions because they want to go to Cancun from 11 to 18 th June, wanna stay at the Oasis and want to have fun. Should I recommend them to go or not? (they are party guys)
Hey guys, we're going for the first time at the end of august. Just wondering what the crowds will be like then, nightclubs etc?
Hey, my university just got out. I live in BC Canada tho. from what ive heard canada is pretty much all out or out next week, not sure about the US tho.
I went the end of august last time and it was amazing! Lot's of cool people like Princess said and the clubs are perfectly busy. Not too busy to not get drinks but busy enough that every night there is a good crowd. Very diverse too in terms of people from all over the world. Spring break was fun but a bit of a disappointment. I think it was overly hyped in my head lol I'm definitely going again in August