Just wondering, how far ahead of Travel dates are Sticky Roll Calls posted? Planning on visiting for New Years Eve 2018 and though it would be nice to have a December/NYE sticky started. Does the admins do this or can anybody start one? Most ppl are planning vacations 6-12 months in advance so be nice to have roll calls posted further out.
I believe they become sticky 3 months out. At some critical times during the year (holiday or large repeater times) you will typically see a roll call started sooner than the 3 month sticky. I am sure there will be one for Christmas/NYE time...there could be one already
We run 4 roll calls at any one time. The next month gets added as a sticky when we hit the 1st of the month and the last month gets unstickied. If we started them any earlier there would be too many people that post once never to return to the forum, or had changed their plans and not mentioned it. Plus updating 4 is enough work let alone 8 or 10, and there are already more stickies than I would like. Feel free to start an unofficial thread, but once the real roll call goes live then it will probably be locked or we end up having people post in different threads and no true record of who is there when.
Okay, thanks for the reply! I get how much work it must be to keep them updated! Totally understandable! Thanks again!