In recent weeks, the speed of my Cablemas connection has been increased, and often exceeds 5 mbps, download (today, it was 5.53, for example); but, the upload speed remains stuck at 0.23-4 (today, it was 0.24), just like it's always been. What accounts for this really large difference, and why didn't they increase the speed of the upload when they increased the speed of the download?
Really? What speed are you contracted for? I haven't seen any increase... Once upon a time (about 5-6 years ago) if you went on in the middle of the night you could sometimes get upwards of 5 mbps but this was several years ago, and one day they simply started strictly enforcing their limits so that you didn't get one kb more than you were paying for and I haven't ever seen the speeds exceed that quota since then (and most times they don't even meet it). As per the upload speed, while it's painfully slow if you're someone who sends files, its faster with Cablemas than with Telmex... Here's my pathetic speed results on Cablemas
Got me, but about two months ago I got a notice from Cablemas saying they would be increasing my speed 2X, at no extra cost. Seems they did, but not the upload speed, for some reason.
Must be nice... I wouldn't expect them to adjust the upload any time soon... its been about the same ever since I got here... and the "basic" internet was 128kbps.... (1/8th a mbit).... it still kills me that I had faster internet in the US back in the 90's than I have now in Cancun... I was with the "2mb" plan with Cablemas but rarely saw better than 1.2ish in my area so I downgraded to the 1mb package and I've learned to live with it. I also have access to TelMex at 1mb also as shown below... so slow and slower are my options.... EDIT: This is TelMex... normally the faster of the two but not today it seems..
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I thought it might make a difference which server we both used, so I ran the test again, using a San Diego based server, as you had done. In this case, at least, it didn't seem to make much difference.
Yeah I like to test San Diego or San Francisco as that's where a lot of popular sites are being served from.... You'll almost always see a drop the further away you get (ie: test Russia and see) but you're definitely getting the high end of what Cancun internet has to offer... PS: if you see a black car parked out front don't worry its just me borrowing your internet.