Sorry question about a tourist Visa

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Benuk, Jul 7, 2010.

  1. Benuk

    Benuk Regular Registered Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    The only paper work my girlfriend has is a stamp in her Passport saying she arrived 10th March, will she have any problems at the airport leaving if its before 6 months?.

    Her hotel are missing her around about her FM3 Visa and tourist docs.

    I have tried searching but everywhere talks about a FMT tourist Visa.

    The only proof of when she entered is a stamp in her passport saying March 10th.

    Many many thanks in advanced.
  2. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    She will have to pay $525 if she cannot produce an FMT or FMM when she leaves the country. I suggest she goes to INM and see if she can get another one, not mentioning money. Maybe she had it in some clothes and it got damaged beyond recognition in the laundry.

    She needs to turn in her FMT with her FM3 application, so perhaps her employer has it already and she forgot about it. It is also possible that she asked for it back but the employer cannot find it.

    Odds are no one downtown will question any of these things, but they will for sure at the airport or the border.

    Good luck,
  3. Benuk

    Benuk Regular Registered Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Thank you so much T.J.

    At the moment she is working in a hotel in the Hotel Zone as as an entertainer as she was really meant to work a 6 month contract.
    Due to me having to now fly home early Oct she will not be completing the 6 month contract so I think the hotels admin are being a bit funny about paying out for her FM3 and then giving it back to her after only 5 months odd. The problem is she had to hand in all her docs when she started but of course still has her passport.
    We was just a little worried it could of cost a lot more then $525 peso to replace her "lost" in admin tourist visa.

    Once again thank you Cancun Care for great advice. If your around tomorrow I will get you a beer T.J

    PS you must get so many visa questions on here, sorry!

    EDIT Please tell me thats $525in Peso and Not USD?
  4. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    When you entered the country you were given part of the FMT (FMM now) form to keep

    You present it when you leave the country unless- you apply for a change in immigration status from tourist to something else

    You surrender your FMT or FMM form to immigration- and you don't get it back- if you apply for an FM3 while you're here

    (I think you probably already had that picture so I mention it only for other readers)

    There are some other perhaps less attractive alternatives in your situation-

    1) Your wife could stay and complete the understanding she had with the hotel about how long she was going to work: some people would think that's the thing to do if she promised initially

    It appears from what you said that it would only be a few extra weeks in country for her- possibly without your being here with her

    2) She could offer to pay the costs of obtaining the FM3 as a compromise if she isn't going to complete the term of work she'd agreed to earlier: she would turn in the FM3 at the time she leaves the country- in place of the FMT or FMM she surrendered with the application for the FM3

    If the employer hasn't already picked up the FM3 from immigration there is still a charge yet to be paid of about 2200 pesos: they will have had to pay around 490 pesos at the time they submitted the application (if they did)

    If they used the services of a lawyer they will have also incurred an additional expense for that of perhaps 3-7000 pesos depending on the lawyer

    Foreigners not completing contracts and doing what they promise they will do sullies the reputation of foreigners generally and just makes it harder for other foreigners to get work: it also makes employers reluctant to apply for FM3s for foreigners and risk wasting that money

    Getting employers to take them seriously is one of the biggest struggles foreigners have here because so many come and go with little notice or concern for commitments they may have made at work

    I have massive qualifications for what I do but it took me five visits each to two different government offices to break down the wall of suspicion directed at foreigners that I was subjected to and finally get an audience with the real decision makers

    For these reasons IMHO your wife shouldn't consider breaking her contract- without some urgent personal necessity to do so
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2010
  5. Benuk

    Benuk Regular Registered Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    With all due respect V I do not want this thread turning in to a debate about my girl friends personal reasons for leaving a hotel.

    The fact is on the first day of her job she was told they was sending off for her FM3, she was offered the job in the UK via email.
    She has now asked for her FM3 or even tourist visa and they are saying the do not have accsess to it so of course I worry about us managing to get home in a few months. Even if she was to stay the extra time whos to say they really have a FM3 visa for her as she has never seen it.

    Like I say I have no interest on what your opinion about my girl friend leaving her contract early is. I simpley need advice as set out in my 1st post.
  6. CancunMole

    CancunMole Addict Registered Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    IMHOO, looking for an answer to this unique employer/employee situation which involves her Immigration permit/status on a message board is as dangerous as playing with fire. You need REAL legal advice...

    There's an attorney in Cancun who does only immigration and citizenship work. He was a subdelegado in immigration for 6 years. He's very good, he knows exactly how they apply the law here. His name is Mauricio Mendoza.

    maurris [at]
    maurris [at]
    044-998-159-1599 - Mobile
    884-0003 - Home

    If anyone can help you sort this out, it's him.

    Or, you could go to Immigration at the intersection of Avs Nader & Uxmal in Centro and try to get it squared away yourselves. Buene Suerte!
  7. Benuk

    Benuk Regular Registered Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    CancunMole thank you very much for the reply. If we do have problems getting her new tourist visa we will defo get in contact with them.

    I'm guessing tourist must lose the visa from time to time and hoping it won't be to much of an issue to get a replacement.

    A "V" sorry if I sounded a little off, the fact that shes often in tears as she is really not enjoying her job is enough for her to call it a day.
  8. ToriB

    ToriB Cancuncare Sun Care Advisor Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    I am just being honest, and not bias in any way, but I think V was just trying to make clear to you how it works in Mexico, and the Employers here take contracts VERY seriously. My Mexican friend is an Entertainer, and when he left his previous job, with just 15 days left on his contract, A) they didn't pay him all the $$ due to him and B) he has gotten bad references at every single one of the jobs he has applied to since.
    So, that being said, I am thinking V was just trying to make you understand why this might be happening to you.
    I see that you apologized, but I wanted to clear this up cause I see this situation happen first hand alot.

    Good luck to you and especially to your girlfriend.
  9. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Not at all Benuk and thanks for adding this detail

    Sorry to hear she's finding herself in an uncomfortable situation at work

    Mole's suggestion to contact Mauricio is a good one in part because what you probably need more than advice is assistance

    My experiences with him have been uniformly good but if you want to get in touch use the phone- not email
  10. Benuk

    Benuk Regular Registered Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Thats great to know, the problem was she come out here after emailing the hotel and only once at the hotel, found out they wanted a 6 month contract, there was no mention of it before she started. (She pre got the job after me being placed out here)

    We have no problem paying for her FM3 at all, its more of a case of not liking be mucked around by the hotel, they either have it or they do not.

    We have worked & lived in 4 country's over the last 18 months and visited a hell of a lot more as both worked the cruise ships together. (about 18 country's) so its not like we come in to this blind, we was just a little bit shocked at her company and panicked a little about her getting home. She will be giving at least a months notice before she leaves. Like I say if I sounded a little off earlier its because I was looking how she would get out of the country worst case. ToriB cheers for the post, she gets on very well with her line manager and will be the first to tell him a good month in advanced. Like mentioned after Admin told her they have "none of her docs" we thought we would ask for advice on here. :) Frida my girl friend has worked all over the world in Ents and working here in Mexico has been the hardest. The amount of hours they work is crazy!. But I guess thats a hole different topic!.
    Like I say thanks again for everyones advice its been very very helpful. :)
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