So I was reading in a thread that Lynfa likes Peanut butter M&Ms ... and it got me thinking if anybody was craving something from Canada... I only ask because my sister lives in North Carolina and every time she comes back to Canada she gets Smarties, Ketchup Potato Chips Aero Bars and Kit Kat Bars ... as they don't see those down south ( at least where she is ) ... so does anyone need maple syrup, back bacon or Tim Horton's coffee or something else :icon_smile:? check this site out to see what I mean Canada Only - ships Canadian Food, Canadian Chocolate, Candy, Snacks, Groceries Worldwide
If anyone thinks I'm packing a bag of British Columbia's finest commodity in my bag, they are sadly mistaken.
unless you can get me some timmies daily brewed from home, than i would have to say im ok.It really strange how different our countries are when it comes to availabilty of foods that you would think we would all carry.
I just wish we could bring down beer with us. As a born and bred Saskatchewan boy I would get a kick out of sitting by the sexy pool and drinking a nice cold Pilsner!
How about my weekly dose of Winners without the my turn crap and I would be happy girl. Really hates shopping in mexico.
lol.... actually I was at a resort in Puerto Vallarta once where a girl from Vancouver lit up one up. I asked her where she got it. She said she brought it with her. I couldn't believe it. Who the heck smuggles that stuff into Mexico???