Anyone else have problems with sinus pain while flying? Its usually only happens on landing, but it literally feels like someone is jamming an ice pick up my nose. The pain begins on descent and only starts to get better upon landing. It takes a half a day for me to feel back to normal. Is there anything I can do to prevent this?
Yes, take a good decongestant nasal spray with you in your carry on and use it about an hour before you land. This should relieve the majority of the symptoms. Occasional use such as for the plane situation is ok but don't make a regular habit of using these sprays because they can cause a "rebound" condition where you start to rely on them all the time.
Grfeat, thank you! Any brand you would recommend? Ive never bought nasal spray before. And I hear ya about the rebound effect - my dad was almost addicted to it and used it for so long and ended up needing surgery. Doc said it was most likely bc he used the spray for so many years.
Just have your doctor or pharmacist suggest a brand that would be right for you. The leading brands are all pretty much the same:icon_cool: