Tried the whole shaving the chest! feel like a hairless dog now... Laurie is not pleased with me. Knew it was a bad idea when my nipple began to bleed!
OMG laughin out loud here at work.... I was dealin with the tom selleck look (without the chiseled movie-star look of course).
Get it waxed, Terry! Or just buy a men's groomer and do some manscaping to get it down to an acceptable length. There was a thread about this maybe 8 months ago. As I said then, if guys insist on shaving, they have to MAINTAIN MAINTAIN MAINTAIN as stubble is murder on tender girlie sexy bits.
I personally just use a clipper with a #1 guard on it. I find that it cuts it to a length that looks clean, allows the hair to lay fairly flat (I get the same curly hair as Mr. Reynolds there if its full out) and most importantly it's long enough that it doesn't scratch the lady up. Also, I will go with the grain using a slightly lower clip with the philips bodygroom which gets rid of any stray hairs that still curl up the opposite way. Looks tight and right in my opinion........Would love to simply wax but i get ingrown hairs way too easy.
Wax.....or better yet laser. I usually get my chest and back waxed just before holidays.....the only downside is it does get stubbly afterward and more in-grown hair. Laser takes a few visits but eliminates the in-grown hair and becomes permanent.
For back, typically the wife hits it with her clippers or sometimes wax... For chest, either the wife hits it with her clippers (Not sure which guard), or I hit it with my beard trimming razor... But when I do that she hates it for about a week or so because its prickly... Other regions get the razor.
Shaved it totally sexy but you certainly have to maintain....Completely worth it though atleast from this chics point of view. :}}}