Now don't laugh or roll your eyes at this question...cause I know most people don't go on tropical vacations to hide from the sun. :icon_rolleyes: But dear hubby is a freckled redhead and on a medicine that has a warning about prolonged exposure to the sun. Is there any shade at all at the Sexy Pool and also anywhere on the Boobs Cruise that he can escape the sun if it gets to be too much? :cheerleaders: TWO MORE WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :daveandmo:
There are umbrellas at the pool, but you may have to get out there early to get one. Also the bar area is shaded with stools. The sun starts going behind the buildings in the afternoon so there are shaded areas then too.
The boobs cruises also have a cabin you can sit in , so you guys should fine in all aspects of your vacation
yup just stay within 6 feet of the pool bar and you will be shaded, although after a while you may forget the sun burns you and wander away. Long story short make sure he brings a hat and a long sleeved T-shirt
I was on an antibiotic for lyme disease, Doxycilin or something. If thats what he is on be prepared to stay out of the sun completely. I work outside and do not really get burned. That stuff turned me into a vampire. It actually hurt to have a body part in the sun. Not good news for a guy who works outside in a tanktop normally. Prepare for the worst and hope to be overprepared. I was ok but I wore long sleeves, a hat and pants.