Heading back to GP Sept 13-20. Wa last there in May and have been missing the place since we got home. Hope to see some familiar faces during our stay. Anyone else going in Sept?
we will be at Golden for Barb's bday celebration Sept 26 - 30th.... Hope some of you will be there then to help celebrate with her!
6 of us heading to the Great from 31st august to 14th september so will definitly be heading over to the Golden a time or two for dinner and a few drinks.:aktion030:
My husband and I will be at the Golden from Aug 27th - Sept 3rd. This will be our 3rd time there and our 15th time to Cancun. The Tiki Bar Rocks!
The wife an I will be there 8-15 :wave:. the wife will be having b-day on the 9th :lotsofmichaelfs:drinks will be on me.
St louis to MX My sister and I are going to golden Sept 12-19 . Can't wait. Hope things are going better for them by Sept. Hoping to visit the Great a couple times during the week. I hope I met up with some others going down thr this fomum that would be fun. Can;t wait the Parrttyy and have a ball. MJ
2 weeks till GP. Hope all the hubub has settled down and back to normal by then. Anyone there now or just returning, please keep us posted on what's going on.
I still haven't heard if things are truly normal. But I am concerned. If you look at the TTR Sept roll call looks like a whole bunch of people going, and they all seem fired up about what there going to do, and what there going to wear, or not wear, and this and that. The GP roll call is just a hand full and then we get the news of the trouble. I have considered changing hotels and have till Wed to do so, without penalty. What do you all think? Do you think the resort will be dead? And, has anyone heard a definative about the Hotel.
you know that this site is pretty much everyone from TTR right? lol GP was just a sub forum up until this springbreak when we blew it up. its a slow season and ill be in GP again in couple weeks for the 2nd time this year. everything is back to normal now at GP