Hi, We are going to Temptation friday November 6. We are plannig to get a sensual massage. Any comments? Is it worthed? Is it good. Thanks Chris
We just had the sensual massage on Sunday. The bullet is a significant technological advancement compared to the feather. It makes for a really nice massage. I also noted that the masseuses stayed a lot longer than they used to. They're really quite helpful! It was a very nice way to end our trip.
It's $270 US so about $940 in Canadian money but worth every penny. However because my wife had already had a normal massage earlier in the week they knocked $50 off. If you don't get the bullet it's $20 cheaper.
Dang we've paid $180USD total both times we were there. $270 is ridiculous. Love the massage and it's worth doing at least once but not for that price.