I read where security is actually shining flashlights into rooms with the shades open and into rooms with the doors open. Has anyone actually experienced this or spoken to someone that it actually happened too? Or is it just people talking based on what seems to be a little stricter policies since the remodel. We always ask for a first floor room just to play when people can watch but it is certainly not worth getting thrown out for? Anyone have any first hand knowledge?
@Stacia_and_John reported it on a separate post but haven’t come back to clarify if it was first hand experience for their trip in July or hearsay. Tagged him this time in case he missed the follow up questions
The Miss's and I were there at the same time as Stacia and John.... First, if you like to play with your wife/partner while others watch or you just like to watch then definitely book a room in Bash Tower. Literally every night you can sit on your balcony and watch others folks go at it across the open space in the middle. We watched many couples go to town on each other then get dressed and head down to the nighttime parties. Some nights folks were even applauding on some evenings. Didn't see any flashlights and no one stopped it. Kinda fun sipping on tequila and enjoying the nightly show. Hope it becomes a Bash tradition - you could call it, "Bashing" - Haha! On the other hand, we did know one couple that got busted screwin' down on the beach by security. The security guard walked them back to their room. A bit silly. What are we 16 year-olds?!? I think John already reported about the flashlighting into the windows at least around the quiet pool at night. Not sure if that was a particular security guard that just wanted to watch or whether that was a quiet pool thing or what...just saying it wasn't anywhere around Bash Tower.
Is there am updated map of the resort available? Not sure of the new layout. September is going to be the first trip since renovation.
Is the Bash Tower in the middle? Having a hard time getting my bearing since the renovation. Looks like the left and right sides remain pretty much the same and the center is where all the changes were made. Am I correct?
Yes the Bash Tower is the middle building labeled Play and that's where the major changes are, the rest is pretty much the same but updated. T