I would like to start looking at air prices for last week March but am scared to book anything with uncertainty of pending shutdown! Anybody feel the same?
NOT US.....we just got back from H & H 2014 & are already booked for april '15. Can u say ADDICTS ? also going to another resort in cancun on business end of FEB and will def try to squeeze in another :flash: cruise
yeah, check the previous thread. TTR is going to be announcing early 2015 when they will be shutting down for an extensive reno
I went to see my Clairvoyant psychic. She assured me beyond any reasonable doubt that the Resort will be open and we will have a good time. I trust her more then any one trying to sell me a time share every time I visit. So I booked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and of course got cancellation insurance
The plans for closure for remodeling in 2015 have been canceled because they couldn't get permits in time. It has been moved to 2016! So U can book for 2015! :icon_twisted::icon_twisted::icon_lol::icon_lol:
I was going to point out that 2016 because of the permitting problem thing, glad that got handled. I am going to try to get in at LEAST 2 visits to TTR in 2015,... (March and May, maybe? March & August? Note, I'm counting the end of Feb as being March for some reason...). Because we might not get to go at all in 2016, and we've not missed a year since 2007....