I just came back for a nice week, but people at Temptation are getting a lot to young. The music was terrible all week, they say DJ live but always the same techno song ( music that my daugher like). At the party o longe , they have music only once every 2 nights because they want people to go party outside the resort. The atmosphere is not the same anymore. I believe this place turning to be for party student. That s sad because it was the only resort that i felt that i can go a little crazy. But they still have always something to do and the food still excellent. That s a chance that we meet some very nice people like Gleen and Monique who was very welcoming. By the way , sorry for my mistakes, i am French.
I do have to agree on the music.. They seemed to play the same 15-20 songs over and over and over the entire week I was there.. It got pretty redundant rather quickly!
That's one of the reasons we don't go from mid March to mid April anymore, Too many spring breakers. They flood all the hotels and the bars downtown, They look for the cheapest hotels that are all inclusive.
We thought spring break end at the end of March, i know that the week before, they had a bunch of 40 very young who made a lot of trouble
I think Spring break lasted longer this year because Easter is so late. My kids is usually pretty close to Easter but this year it was over a month before.
That said...I hope that in Ocotober there is a large range of ages. I am going with my sister who is much younger than I. I dont want her bored feeling like it is all old people but then I also dont want to be hanging with all 20 year olds. Hopefully there will be some nice looking men my age to shower me with attention (single ones of course!) :icon_mrgreen:
Yeah I have been twice as a couple with my ex. I know singles can still have a great time tho. After two weeks in Disney World with my bratz I just wanna vaca with grown ups and NO KIDS! The other adults only hotels do not seem as fun as Temptations! :icon_biggrin: (and for way more money too!)