1. yes, but why when Bash is going on... sometimes the penthouse guests will host parties that get a little more crazy (or so I have heard through rumors) 2. yes. maybe. no. many people congregate at the large hot tub close to pool closing time. The large hot tubs are closed after 6 pm. Some folks make use of room patio hot tubs for late night, smaller, parties. The large hot tubs are found on the Bash deck above the Sexy pool and on top of the tower. "room crawls" happen occasionally. We usually wander back to our room (70wer) between 1-3 am and have never really encountered loud room parties.
When we were last there in July, we had a master suite and had room parties a couple of nights. We had tons of fun!
Been to room parties, room crawls and Hot tub (room) parties...... ooops sorry ..forgot, what ever happens in Temptation. stays in Temptation !!!....... then of course there's the Boob Cruises..............................................