Who's up for a room crawl? We're thinking of starting around around 8pm with ~15 minute games at each room to keep things going. We'll do a quick meet & greet + a game to get everyone introduced & socializing, then move on to the next room. Ideally 6+ rooms, each with a different game & drink. Chime in if you'd like to participate, and we'll get it going from there. Then everyone can go to Paty O's afterwards, or whatever entertainment is scheduled. This is a great way to get a fun group of people who do the theme night outfits going to the club and showing how the CancunCare group makes it lively! Party on Wayne! :lotsofmichaelfs: Party on Garth! ____________________ Sept. 13-21 warming it up for the Wrecking Balls Crew
Received a suggestion to do a Pasties exchange as part of the room crawl, as somebody thought that would be fun to do in leui of/addition to having a game. What are your thoughts on incorporating a Pasties exchange?
Our vote, would be "addition to" rather than "in lieu of". Why not just make one of the room stops the Pastie Exchange room ???
Ok the Pasties Exchange looks like it is favorable. Post here or pm to let us know if you'll be joining. Suggestion is to bring at least one set of pasties (or more) for those who want to participate. We already have multiple flavors from many a lake trip...