Hi all.. We were at TTR Apr 14 to the 21 and had a really great time but figured we would let people know we had one of our credit cards scammed while we were there.. The only place we used our card was to rent two sea doo's from the guys over by the quite pool. We checked our statement online tonight and found out we had a 1k charge besides the charge for the rental !! had to cancel that card and get an new one... No pin was used so we are good Full refund thanks BMO
Sorry to hear that but that shit happens everywhere, not just mexico. We don't use our credit cards in mexico unless it's an emergency. Dispute it and it will be fine. We were there at the same time but not sure we got to meet.
We rented 2 also, but paid cash. Trip started great, but the "escort" from the place you rent them from had his machine stall. He had us hop to his dead machine and sit there (looking out from TTR, we were in the 2nd strip of clear blue) until he came back with help and a new machine. I'm pretty laid back and realize shit happens, but we are NOT athletic people and changing machines twice in the middle of the ocean was not an easy task and we ended up in the water twice. Plus I felt like we lost about 10min of our 40 just sitting there. The best part is when he requested a tip when we returned. No problem buddy, I'll be right back with that. Just glad we didn't charge it now.
Credit Card scam is an "industry" in Jamaica !!! They not only steal your cc number, but if they can get your phone number, you will be swamped with "This is UPS, where do we deliver your $10000000000 lottery check". Thanks to hear the warning however. Will only take 1 to TTR, but never use it.
yea we try to make it a point not to use CCs on vacations.. It helps me budget the trip as well. We always bring one just incase but hope to never use it. We rented them the last trip however paid cash and had a great time.
We used ours twice. Once for the Boobs Cruise and once for the hubby to go fishing. I had called ahead to let them know the dates we were in Mexico. When I got home, my CC called to make sure I approved of the 2 charges. I thought that was great customer service. (Chase)
Credit cards are the safest way to do any transaction anywhere! Let your credit card company know that you are going to be in Mexico so the charges you make will be approved. As soon as you get home or as soon as you get your first bill upon arriving home, or better yet check your charges every other day or so while you're away. REGAURDLESS, you are never responsible for charges that you didn't make! As someone said, dispute any charges you didn't make and they'll be removed from your bill! If you don't believe me talk with your bank. The most "dangerous" thing that you can do is to travel with large amounts of cash!
I would think that cash would be the safest way to do a transaction anywhere. No one can scam more cash out of you after you've left. Unfortunately they can charge your credit card after you've left. The Sunwing rep we met at the resort warned us not to us our credit cards. We usually don't anyway.
simply, if you didn't charge "it", you're not responsible for "it"! With cash, if it's stolen you're shit out of luck! Just sayin