Renewing my FM3 for the first time....

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by rawkus, Sep 15, 2008.

  1. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Cancun, Q Roo.
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    Hi everyone! Im new to this forum since about 2 minutes ago :)

    Im a 29 year old Swede married to a Mexican, whom I met in Australia(we both lived there) and 18 months ago we moved to Cancun to give Australia a few years break :)

    I am a ectourguide, but am currently working as a sales rep/customer service.

    Now to my question:

    I had a horrible experience with Immigration here when getting married and obtaining my FM3.

    It runs out in 36 days, so I wanted to be out in good time.

    Now, when I went there to get my first FM3 off course they expected to get some cash out of me, which they didnt(much thanks to INM headoffice help from Mex City)

    Since the renewal is supposed to be easier than getting the first one, I would like to hear some of your experiences and possibly get some tips/trix on how to get it done. Im never going to pay a bribe, so that option is long gone.

    Someone mentioned a lawyer on this website? Does anyone know how much that would cost me? Or can someone supply me with his phonenumber and email?

  2. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    Welcome Tony - INM here sucks, though most of us have not been asked to pay bribes to the agents.

    Here's the lawyer's info:
    Mauricio Mendoza
    Cell Phone: 998 159-1599

    He speak English. His fee will vary depending on the complexity of your situation. If your case is simple it's cheaper.

    Everyone I've recommended him to (who has then hired him) has been happy with him. He was a boss in the downtown INM office for 6 years before going out on his own. He specializes in immigration law and still has connections in the downtown office.
  3. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Thank you RiverGirl, much appreciated.

    Shouldnt be to complex I guess, since we have all the docomments needed etc. But seems here that its more like "you never know.."

    Will contact him right away.

  4. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    If you meet the reqs for your FM3 renewal and you do as they say, it should be fine. But they make it a headache every time here, even if you do it all correctly.

    If you can afford Mauricio it will save you a headache that you just don't need.
  5. mixz1

    mixz1 Guest

    +0 / 0
    And I will second, third, amen and swear to everything RG said. Call Mauricio. It is worth every peso. After 3 miserable do-it-yourself FM3 years we decided, on the basis of RG and a whole bunch of other recommendations to use Mauricio. Absolutely painless and worry free, and, unlike all the other years, everything was done in one working week with no standing in line, no arbitrary rule changes, no edits and revisions to endless pages of letters, forms, statements, etc. And best of all, no having to go face-to-face with the obstructionist, non-functional sadists in that noisy, filthy, overheated shack that they attempt to pass off as an "office".
  6. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Thanks for all the advice. What worries me is how much it will cost to hire him... For a 250 peso renewal-fee, I dont want to end up paying alltoo much.... Specially since we are not building afuture here in Cancun. Only here for maybe another year (pretty fed up allready myself..)

    Is there another option such as cancelling the FM3 and getting across to Belize for "48" hours and reenter as a tourist?
  7. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    HAHAHA! Love that! Made my whole hour reading that did!!!

    You can always turn in your FM3 on your way out of the country and get an FMT when you come back in. They are giving 180 days to almost everyone who enters right now. So you'd need to leave and come back after that.

    I know Mauricio charges depending on the complexity of your case. So you'd best check with him.
  8. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I'm coming up for my third renewal next month. Although maybe going for a switch to FM2 rather than FM3 this time, not sure yet. But pretty sure we will be using Mauricio whichever way we go.

    I suppose it all depends how much your time is worth and whether the to-ing and fro-ing saved is more valuable than the expense of using a lawyer. You could quite easily use up six separate trips, add in time queuing in banks and (in our experience) trying to get refunds of money you were told to pay only to later find out you didnt have to.

    I'm surprised that since you're working your employer is not helping you with this.

    Hmm, I forget how much a renewal costs exactly but you should maybe add on a zero there.
  9. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    The last that we heard from the INM headoffice in DF was 250 pesos... I sure hoped for it to be true, haha :)

    Well, we are getting a lot of help from the "big men" in DF regarding this matter. They seem very eager to at least pretend to improve the reputation regarding corruption within INM...

    Last time(when I obtained my FM3) I was told to "pay or you dont get your papers", being me, I did NOT pay the bribe so the guy in INM tore my application apart... really mature :) I went outside, called my wife and she called the contact person in DF. He was awesome, he said: "Tell your husband to go back inside in 15 minutes.." I went inside and they were very polite and handed me the papers with a big(and obviously fake) smile... Still reported one woman and one man by their names and the last I heard from the man i DF they both got suspended and were up for a "massive hearing".... Havent seen them since :D

    This time I also contacted the Swedish Embassy in DF who in turn, got me in contact with our Consulate here in Cancun. They are also pushing me to do the same again if needed: Report anyonone who refuses to do their job.

    Now, Im NOT trying to be neither a revolutionary nor a "Knight in shining armour" but I do believe in "right is right". Im never going to pay a singe cent in bribes - not here, not anywhere...

    I already emailed Mauricio and am expecting his answer after the whole 15th of Sept thing is over.

    Cant wait to go to INM again :/ One thing that is indeed good with the place is that it gives a great opportunity to vent ones anger/frustration ;)

    Can anyone give me an idea of roughly how much we are looking at with Mauricio? If its too personal, just message me. Off course I know that every case is different, but I just need some rough ideas.

  10. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Steve: Forgot to answer the part about my employer. They are willing to help, but they are charging a ridiculous sum: 400$US....

    For a renewal?? No way... Maybe I would have considered it when I got the first FM3, but not for a renewal...

    Im glad to have come here to Cancun to try the life, but its definitively not for me...

    It has been an adventure and a good experience.

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