We have a timeshare in Williamsburg VA and thinking of joining RCI to bank weeks for Temptations. Any experience out there with this?
Noooooooooooooooo! Never had a good experience with RCI see attached thread http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/temptation-resort-cancun/1317-watch-out-premier-members.html
Wifey is a member of rci. We find it is alot cheaper to by a packaged vacation then it is to book at Temptation through rci. by the time you pay for the all inclusive and the flights its cheaper to just book through a travel agent. for example we aqre looking at going soon and through expedia.ca we can ho for $2240 flight taxes and hotel where hotel charges about $150 per night per perrson for the ai fee. Which works out to $2100 without a flight
We are members of RCI as well. It is the worse investment I have ever made. You can just about always get a better deal on any property by booking it yourself. They have a few for everything. They have so many restrictions on when and how to use your time it just doesn't pay off. For those newbies getting ready to come to TTR they will be waiting on you when you check in to put the hard sell on you. When you hear "we want to give you a free massage or a free sail or a tour around the resort"" look out. ( not to mention you end up spending most of one of your hard earned vacation days listening to the pitch. Can you tell I'm a cynic ?...lol
Hello, We've been RCI weeks members for almost 10 years, if you are just going to join RCI to go to Temptations it may not be worth while. We have gone the last 2 years in October through RCI when they had special promotions that made it well worth while (we paid weekly AI fee of $650 for 2) Was also able to find great airfare that time of the year. We are heading back this April and found it much cheaper to book through Alpharooms. It's hit and miss, you got to do your research as their AI fees change drastically based on the time of year. Only "extra" you get booking through RCI is that you stay in the Premier wing that overlooks the Sexy Pool and beach. Good Luck, Paul & Lisa
I think its what kind of contract you have with RCI. We just booked using RCI weeks and booked one for another cpl as well. Even paying for the guest cert it only came to less then 1000 per cpl. plus air
don"t join them they are the worst to get any good info good for taking you money,i know through experince,i drop them them like a hard rock saave your money