Hi everyone, We're a little over a week away from our first trip to TTR (can't wait!!). As we've started packing, a few random questions have come up - so I'd love some input from those of you who've done this before - lingerie night, men wear boxers - typically do men wear "just boxers", or t-shirt, robe, etc. along with them? - footwear - what shoes do men wear with boxers - dress shoes, sandals, sneakers, barefoot? - Men's white dress shirt & heels night - what do men typically wear that night? Do men wear white dress shirts as well? If not, then what? - Boobs Cruise - we've bought Bubba mugs for around the pool (based on input from this site). Do you bring your Bubba mugs on the cruise as well, or are the glasses on the boat better than those at the pool bar? - All the "theme nights" - where does this occur? Is it at the Paty-O bar? Or somewhere else? - how late are the restaurants open (approx)? We arrive later on our first night (flight lands around 6:15PM). By the time we get to the resort, get checked in, get to our room, etc., just trying to figure out if we'll still be able to grab dinner somewhere? I'm sure a few other questions will pop up, but thanks in advance for your help on these ones
My husband wears just boxer shorts and flip flops on lingerie night. Typically on white dress shirt night I wear the shirt and heels and he wears black slacks with no shirt. I'm sure Steve wouldn't mind if you brought bubba mugs on the boat but the staff keeps the drinks flowing so you really don't need to bring them. The restaurants and the buffet are open late. There is also a food station at patios that goes really late. Most importantly just have fun! Mrs Ajay
Oh and all of the theme stuff usually happens after 8:00 at pati-os. We usually dress up after dinner.
hey ... we just returned back from our first TTR trip ... - on lingere night my hubby wore a plain tee with his boxers and his flip flops - mens dress shirt night he can wear whatever he likes ... unfortunately when we were there only a few people participated in this theme night - you dont need your mugs for the cruise they supply all the drinks, cups, shots and even whip cream!! - theme nights start at Nice shoes which is the disco then moves to Paty O's - I am not positive about all the restuarants but I am pretty sure you can get a bite to eat at the Tex Mex once you arrive Enjoy .. you will have a blast!!
This might be a stupid question, but it's been bugging me. Bubba mugs- do you order like 3 drinks and pour it into the mugs or does the bartender put the drinks in the mugs?
Or the one of the waitstaff around the pool will take them and return with them magically refilled. sf
Hi Derek and Sandra You two will have so much fun. Get away from this cold stuff in Toronto. We have to wait till May Which Sucks. 1- Most men will wear boxers, some not shy guys will wear funny thongs with elephant heads or tuxedo thongs. 2- sandals are good 3- night club wear 4- no bubba mugs on Boobs Cruise you will lose them when you are drunk. servers will make Sure you are with a drink at all times till you pass out on the deck lol. Then they will put a funnel in your mouth and pour drinks into it and draw funny stuff on your body lol. 5-most theme nights are in the Nice Shoes night club then proceed to Paty O's after. 6- most restaurants are open late some need reservations. but you will find food anytime even 2:30 in the morning you can get burgers and fries from Paty O's Which is highly recommended to soak up the alcohol before bed time. Drink the green juice in the morning to avoid hangovers in the buffet restaurant. have fun and leave your inhibitions at home. play the games get involved in the activities and you will have the time of your lives. remember to sign up for your month roll call on this site.
We learned our lesson about taking our Bubba Mugs on the Boobs Cruise last time as one of our group accidentally knocked mine into the ocean! God Bless Omar as he dove right in and rescued it without me even knowing it! Now that I think about it, not sure why we even brought them (unless I had water in mine, as I am a big baby and need to keep hydrated), as like everyone here has said, the staff is great about keeping the drinks coming, most time two fisted!!