OMG! I just looked at the 10 day forecast and it is supposed to RAIN the WHOLE time I am going to be there! March 3 - 8th! Please say it isn't so!!!!!
It isn't so...don't take that at heart - the weather changes daily and it will change for the better. Best!
A rain forecast for Cancun is something to take with a grain of salt. What the internet calls rain means a 10-15 minute shower or two usually. Don't worry be happy!
The forecast in Cancun almost ALWAYS call for a small chance of rain (i.e. 20-40%). When we were there last we actually had a 60% chance for three straight days, and only really got rain one afternoon for a couple of hours. But we didn't care...we hung out in the pool drinking and partying in the rain! So I wouldn't worry.
I don't think they ever change their forecast they always call for rain, but are rarely right Don't worry over something you can't control
dont worry about the forcast. a month ago it said it was raining all week and it :lighting1:never rained once.
The weather network channel they have on the tv at the resort never changed their forcast always showed clouds and rain look so depressing They can't even predict weather two days in advance in countries with unlimited $ for weathermen, how good do you think a Mexican 7 day forecast can be??? No offense intended
Oh, I can think of a few things you could do if it rains while you're there . . .:umbrella1: (But like as not, it won't rain the whole time, despite the forecast) =)