I know there have been a bunch of threads started about weather but I looked at the forcast for the upcoming days and it says showers everyday. I know scatter thunderstorms is normal for this time of year, but showers everyday worries me. We have never been there during rain before so, does the resort accomodate accordingly???? Is there things going on in Nice Shoes or something?????:icon_rolleyes::icon_eek::icon_cry::icon_confused:
it rained everyday we were there. The forecast called for rain everyday. But it would rain in the morning before people were up for the sexy pool I'd say 8ish or 9ish but the sun was still out. And then it would like storm during dinner time. People pretty much just stayed in the pool and waited it out
If it rains to heavy to do activities outside, they move most of them to the dance club and the hallway in front of sports bar... They do their best to accomodate ya if it rains to hard, the first 2 days I was there in April were damn near hurricane winds and rain and yet we still had a blast
Nope they actually do a good job at changing games around and splitting up the activities staff, some do the bean bag horseshoes game and then some set up in the dance club for many other games, they even brought lunch and snacks in there in april also, and when i say torrential down pours, the trees were sideways at some point and they had to close off the walk ways and some rooms that were under water, but you would never tell by the fun being had in the sports bar and dance club and hallways, granted its not sun and pool but they make sure you have fun