quick questions..

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by Venom, Jan 6, 2011.

  1. Venom

    Venom Guest

    +0 / 0
    sup kids,
    havent been here in a while but still remember many of you. been down to cancun 4 times, but not in the last 4+ years. going back next week at last!
    I know how everything moves. where too and not to go, clubs, bars, etc.
    just wanna know:

    1)what do the buses cost now? used to be just a few pesos, less then a dollar, but always easier to just give them a buck.

    2)what do the clubs cost now? used to be $40

    3)are they all still just pay-one-price and drink all nite just make sure to tip well?

    4)walmart still there to pick up all your after hour booze for after the clubs and bars?

    5)are the moped-pizza guys still everywhere like cockroaches?

    thanks peeps
  2. Fletch

    Fletch Guest

    +0 / 0
    Best advice I can give is damn near a year old, and may have changed but lets see how close i can get

    1.) Still less than a dollar
    2.) Clubs are right around 40 usd, possibly a bit less outside of spring break though
    3.) Money always talks, tip well and you'll be treated like a king. It's an untold rule down there haha
    4.) Walmart is, but so are the countless OXXO stores for the booze as well
    5.) Yes they are!!! And they are awesome as ever, still willing to wheel and deal for discount prices!

    I'm jealous you're going down there so early man! Enjoy!
  3. Venom

    Venom Guest

    +0 / 0
    thank you sir. very much appreciated.

    looks like not much has changed since I was last there.

    I will be sure to have a kick-ass time and take lots of pics to share with all you fine ppl.

    if theres anything else that anyone needs to let me know changed from like 4 years ago or new things, please do tell!!
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