OK, this isn't a sexual question.....but a serious one. Were any of you ever worried (first trip or during any others) about getting an inappropriate "pup tent"? If so, how did you handle it (and I don't mean literally )
it happened a few times to me(usually someone rubbing against me or sumthun like that), was either in the pool or jumped in it quickly lol
Thanks for your honesty....we are first timers, and I am sure this situation is in the back of my husbands mind....it's normal, and gonna happen......so just wondering how everyone handled it.
I think its not as common as first timers think, like dan said, maybe if someone is rubbing against you or something, but you get used to the naked woman and atmosphere pretty quick lol
I took Cialis another couple gave me in Feb hoping for the comedic erection at the pool... Didn't happen. When I do get inappropriate wood I will usually let the head poke out from under my waistband. I cover it with my hand and fake a cramp with a lump. Without fail some girl will feel like a good samaritan and want to take a look... And there it is:wave: The point is, have some fun with it:icon_twisted:
JMG.....you are so funny.....you remind me of some of our friends...always the life of the party, i am guessing!
Sport it proudly. I really don't understand why people get embarrassed. It's a sign that everything is in good working order *LOL*
Having been there the same week as Mike, I find it is a lot funnier online than in person. lol I mean when the guy shows up to the room with a sex swing how funny can it be? Actually, it was hillarious and I am obviously joking. Leading up to the trip I was worried he might be one of those all talk no action guys but we quickly learned otherwise with the no holds barred lady arm wrestling by the pool, the bikini bag, the brains, numerous oscar tricks and the swing. I am still upset that we didnt see the candy bikini though :icon_eek: and twister didnt make it to the pool (Mike, I am think fishing weights might work to weigh it down?) I am taking it as a personal challenge to think up creative games for 2011.