Predial 2016, INAPAM discount

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by V, Nov 21, 2015.

  1. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Cancun, Centro
    +6 / 0
    The tax office will open the first week of December for payment of property taxes for the year 2016.

    For those who have INAPAM cards there is typically a 50% discount on the predial, with the discount applied from the first peso up to whatever limit of assessed value they may set: last year this was 1.2 million pesos, after that, they charged the full amount of the remaining tax.

    For those seeking to pay the best document to bring is your paid receipt from last year. In my case I'll also have to bring copies of a couple of pages of my escritura, too, because the property is titled, and taxed, to the bank with which I contracted the fideicomiso. Since the discount is personal, and no bank or other corporation can claim it, I must be ready to show my connection to the property, each time. I'll take my Permanent Resident card and a copy, my INAPAM card and a copy, and those pages from my fideicomiso I spoke of which show my name.

    If the staff tell you you're not eligible for an INAPAM discount, because the value of your property exceeds the exempt amount, ask to speak with the tax office attorney. He will have the authority to work out a pro rata discount for you.

    Payment can be made online for those who are not seeking the INAPAM discount. Use Internet Explorer to access this website.

    Payment the first two weeks of December usually gets the benefit of the largest discounts.
  2. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Cancun, Centro
    +6 / 0
    I went today to go through the process of paying the predial for 2016 and getting the INAPAM discount. It took two hours and twenty minutes, all but the twenty minutes in one of three lines that was needed to complete the process.

    Those who don't want to go through this can still get a 20% discount by paying online before the 15th of this month.
  3. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Cancun, Centro
    +6 / 0
    I can now find no reference to a ceiling on the INAPAM discount (I mentioned a valuation of 1.2 million pesos, earlier) in anything published in the newspapers and, in fact, I received a full 50% discount last year, and this, eventhough my condo is valued for tax purposes at above that figure.

    Perhaps some other reader, someone who has a property of significantly more value than mine can tell us whether a ceiling was applied to their claim for an INAPAM discount of 50%.
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