Our son is enjoying a four month RnR with us. He would like to wear a red poppy for Remembrance Day. Is there the even the most remote chance of finding one in Cancun?
You could try hitting up Canadians coming down to pack a few for you (the little plastic ones of course), I would offer but I don't arrive for my trip until the afternoon of the 11th.
The Poppy Appeal isn't a joke to someone who has a family member serving in harm's way. More info: http://www.poppy.org.uk/ What about making some from crepe paper? I've got a glue gun, will travel.
A note for the British and Canadians among us: Our son went down to the office of the British Consul at the Royal Sands to inquire about the poppy situation. She very graciously created an artificial poppy that is the equal of any sold in the UK. She indicated that she would be glad to make one for anyone who wanted to honor those who served in the past and those who are currently in harm's way. As an American, I salute her and all those brave men and women.